Monday, 31 July 2017
Chemists make laser-induced graphene from wood
Metal Detector Circuit
Metal detector is a very common device that is used for checking persons, luggage or bags in shopping malls, hotels, cinema halls, etc. to ensure that person is not carrying any metals or illegal things like guns, bombs etc. Metal Detectors detect the presence of metals.
There are different types of metal detectors like hand held metal detectors, walk through metal detectors and ground search metal detectors. Metal detectors can be created easily and the circuit for a basic metal detector is not that complex.
In this project, we have designed a simple DIY type Metal Detector Circuit using very simple components that can be used in our homes and gardens.
Circuit Diagram
The following image shows the circuit diagram for the metal detector circuit.
Components Required
- 1 x TDA0161 Proximity Detector IC
- 2 x 47nF Capacitors (Ceramic Capacitor code 473)
- 1 x 1 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 330 Ω Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 100 Ω Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 5 KΩ Potentiometer
- 1 x 2N2222A (NPN Transistor)
- 1 x 5V Buzzer
- Coil (copper wire of 26 – 30 AWG is taken and it is wound in to a coil of diamater 5 – 6 cm and 140 – 150 turns)
- Additional Components (for LED)
- 1 x 220 Ω Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 5mm LED
Component Description
TDA0161 Proximity Detector IC: TDA0161 is a Proximity Detector IC manufactured by STMicroelectronics. It can be used detect metal objects by detecting the slight changes in the high frequency Eddy current losses.
The TDA0161 IC acts as an oscillator with the help of externally tuned circuit. The changes in supply current will determine the output signal i.e. current is high when a metal object is near and it is low when there is no metal object.
TDA0161 has 8 pins and it comes in Dual in – line Package (DIP). The following image shows the pin diagram of TDA0161 IC.
NOTE: According to STMicroelectronics, TDA0161 Proximity Detector IC is obsolete. If it is available in the market, go ahead and make this fun project. If it isn’t available, try to find a replacement IC. We will try to update if any similar IC is available. If you find any Proximity Detector ICs, please mention it in the comments section.
Coil (Inductor): We have taken a 30 AWG Copper wire for this project. It is then wound in to a coil using a 5.8cm diamater reference. The coil consists of 140 – 150 turns.
Metal Detector Circuit Explanation
- When the LC circuit that is L1 and C1 has got any resonating frequency from any metal which is near to it, electric field will be created which will lead to induces current in the coil and changes in the signal flow through the coil.
- Variable resistor is used to change the proximity sensor value equal to the LC circuit, it is better to check the value when there is coil not near to the metal. When the metal is detected the LC circuit will have changed signal. The changed signal is given to the proximity detector (TDA 0161), which will detect the change in the signal and react accordingly. The output of the proximity sensor will be of 1mA when there is no metal detected and it will be around 10mA when coil is near to the metal
- When the output pin is high the resistor R3 will provide positive voltage to transistor Q1. Q1 will be turned on and led will glow and buzzer will give the buzz. Resistor r2 is used to limit the current flow.
Block Diagram of Metal Detector
There are three main parts in the metal detector circuit: the LC Circuit, the Proximity Sensor , output LED and the Buzzer. The coil and the capacitor C1, which are connected in parallel, will form the LC circuit.
Proximity sensor(TDA0161), is triggered by this LC cirucit if any metal is detected.The Proximity sensor will then turn on the led and produces alarm using buzzer.
LC Circuit: LC circuit has inductor and capacitor connected in parallel.This circuit sarts resonating when there is same frequency material near to it. The LC circuit charges capacitor and inductor alternatively.When the capacitor is charged fully ,charge is applied to inductor.
Inductor starts charging and when charge across the capacitor is nil, it draws charge from the inducutor in reverse polarity. Then inductor charge is reduced and again the process repeats.Note inductor is a magnetic field storage device and capacitor is electric field storage device.
Proximity Sensor: The proximity sensor can detect the objects with out any physical interference. The proximity sensor will work same as infrared sensor, proximity also release a signal, it will not give output unless and until there is no change in the reflected back signal.
If there is a change in signal it will detect and give the output accordingly. There are different proximity sensors for example to detect plastic material we can use capacitive type proximity and for metals we should use inductive type.
The LC Circuit, which consists of L1 (coil) and C1, is the main metal detector part of the circuit. With the help of this LC Circuit, which is also called as Tank Circuit or Tuned Circuit, the TDA0161 IC acts as an oscillator and oscillates at a particular frequency.
When the LC circuit detects any resonating frequency from any metal which is near to it, electric field will be created which will lead to induces current in the coil and changes in the signal flow through the coil.
Variable resistor is used to change the proximity sensor value equal to the LC circuit, it is better to check the value when the coil is not near any metal object. When the metal is detected, the LC circuit will have changed signal.
The changed signal is given to the proximity detector (TDA 0161), which will detect the change in the signal and react accordingly. The output of the proximity sensor will less than 1mA when there is no metal detected and it will be around 10mA (usually greater than 8mA) when coil is near to the metal.
When the output pin is high, the resistor R3 will provide positive voltage to transistor Q1. Q1 will be turned on and LED will glow (not shown in the circuit) and buzzer will be activated.
- The Proximity Detector IC TDA0161 based Metal Detector Circuit is a very simple and easy to construct metal detector that can be used to detect small metals in our homes, offices and gardens.
- There is need for any microcontroller as the Proximity Sensor will be sufficient to implement the project.
- The main disadvantage of this Metal Detector Circuit is the range of detection. The metal object has to be at a distance of 10mm for the detector to detect it.
- This simple Metal Detector can be used to identify metals like iron, gold, silver etc.
- Since it is a simple project, we can use this in our home to scan for nails, metal scraps etc. which are not easily spotable by naked eye.
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DC Motor Speed Control using GY 521 Gyro/Accelerometer and Arduino
In this article, we are going to control two motors by using the GY-521 accelerometer module. The speed of the motor will increase or decrease upon moving the GY-521 module up or down. On moving the Gy-521 towards the downside, the speed of the first motor will decrease and the speed of the other motor will increase; while on moving the GY-521 towards the upward side, the speed of the second motor will decrease and the speed of the first motor will increase. Before we begin our tutorial on controlling the motor speed, let’s see how to interface an accelerometer to Arduino. Components Required The components required for this project are as follows Arduino L293D Motor driver IC GY-521 Module 2 DC Motors 7-12V battery Breadboard Connecting wires Circuit Diagram First of all, make the connections of the L293D with the Arduino as follows Connect the pin 1 of the L293D IC to the 5V of Arduino. Connect the pin 2 of L293D to the digital pin 5 of the Arduino. Connect the pin 3 of the L293D to one end of the motor and connect the other end of the motor to the pin 6 of L293D. The Pins 4, 5 are the ground pins, connect these to the GND of Arduino. Connect the pin 7 of L293D to the digital pin 6 of Arduino. Pins 8 and 16 are the VCC pins, connect these to positive of battery and connect the negative of battery to the Ground. Connect the pin 9 of L293D to the 5V of Arduino. Connect pin 10 of L293D to the pin 9 of Arduino. Connect pin 11 of L293D to the one end of motor and connect the second end of motor to the pin 14 of L293D. Pins 12 and 13 are the ground pins, connect these to the ground. Connect pin 15 of L293D to the pin 10 of Arduino. If you are using any Arduino other pins for making connections to the L293D motor driver, then ensure that you select PWM enabled pins. After that, make the connections for the GY-521 module with the Arduino as follows VCC pin of GY-521 to the 5V pin of Arduino GND pin of GY-521 to the GND of Arduino SCL pin of GY-521 to the A5 of Arduino SDA pin of GY-521 to the A4 of Arduino Working The structure of the accelerometer sensor has a mass attached to a spring which has fixed outer plates and moves along one direction. So when an acceleration is applied in any of the direction, the capacitance between the plates and the mass will change. The accelerometer sensor will measure this change in capacitance which corresponds to an acceleration value. On moving the GY-521 in the upward or downward direction, the sensor will give us output from -17000 to +17000. We will map this from -125 to +125 and will use this value to rotate the motors. Now, when we move the GY-521 towards up, the output value will go to 125. We will add 125 to this output value and this will be the speed of the first motor. Similarly, when we move GY-521 towards the downside, the output value will go to -125. We will subtract this value from 125 and this will be the speed of the second motor. Program/Code #include <Wire.h> #include <MPU6050.h> #define motor1_pin1 5 #define motor1_pin2 6 #define motor2_pin1 9 #define motor2_pin2 10 MPU6050 gy_521; int16_t ax, ay, az; int16_t gx, gy, gz; int motor1_speed; int motor2_speed; void setup ( ) { Wire.begin( ); Serial.begin (9600); Serial.println ("Initializing MPU and testing connections");...
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The post DC Motor Speed Control using GY 521 Gyro/Accelerometer and Arduino appeared first on Electronic Circuits and Diagram-Electronics Projects and Design.
Friday, 28 July 2017
Scientists discover new magnet with nearly massless charge carriers
LED Running Lights Circuit
In this article, we will see different LED Running Lights Circuits, which are also called as LED Knight Rider Circuit. These circuits can be employed on a car, motor cycle, bike etc. as they will present an eye catching look to the viewers.
We have created 4 different LED Running Lights Circuits using very simple components. In the first circuit, we have implemented a Flashing LEDs with the help of transistor based Astable Multivibrator.
The second circuit is based on IC CD4017, where we have Chasing LEDs. In this, the LEDs simply turn on one after the other in a sequential fashion. The third circuit is also implemented using CD4017. In this circuit, the LEDs will glow in a different pattern i.e. two way running LEDs.
In the final circuit, the LED initially travel in the one way and then travel in reverse direction. It means, the pattern is same as a pendulum as it travels back and forth.
This circuit can be utilized for the beautification of the car or it can be helpful at the time of crisis when your car broke down and you need help.
We will see the details of each of these circuits like circuit diagram, components required and working in the following sections.
Related Post: LED Christmas Lights Circuit
Simple LED Running Light Circuit (Flashing LEDs)
In this project, we have designed a simple Flashing LED Circuit. We have used two sets of LEDs (3 on one side and 3 on the other) that will be turned on alternatively so that the outcome is a bright flashing LEDs.
Circuit Diagram
Components Required
- 2 x 2N2222A (NPN Transistor)
- 2 x 22µF – 50V Capacitor (Polarized)
- 2 x 46 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 6 x 8mm Bright White LED
- 12V Power Supply
- Connecting Wires
- Breadboard
Working of the Project
From the circuit diagram, it is clear that the project is based on simple Astable or a Free Running Multivibrator. When switch on the circuit, one transistor will be ON (in Saturation) and the other will be OFF (Cutoff).
Assuming Q1 is ON and Q2 is OFF, the Capacitor C2 will charge through series LEDs. Since the LEDs are connected in the path of the current, they will light up.
During this time, the transistor Q2 is OFF because of the discharging capacitor C1 (as the negative plate is connected to the base of Q2). After the time constant C1R1, the capacitor C1 is completely discharged and starts charging through R1.
The charging direction is reverse. As the capacitor charges, it builds up sufficient voltage (0.7V) to turn ON the transistor Q2. At this time, the capacitor C2 starts discharging through Q2.
As the plate of the capacitor C2, which is connected to the base of the transistor Q1, becomes negative, the transistor Q1 is turned OFF and this set of LEDs are turned OFF.
Now, the capacitor C1 starts to charge from the corresponding series LEDs (through base of Q2). As this set of LEDs are connected in the current path, they will be turned ON.
Now the capacitor C2 discharges and after complete discharge, it will start charging through R2. As the charge builds up in the capacitor C2, when the voltage reaches 0.7V, it will turn ON the transistor Q1. From this point the process repeats as earlier.
LED Chaser Circuit using CD4017 and 555
The second project in the LED Knight Rider Series is an LED Chaser circuit using CD4017 Decade Counter and 555 Timer IC. We will see the circuit diagram, components used and the working of this project
Circuit Diagram
Components Required
- 1 x CD4017 Decade Counter IC
- 1 x 555 Timer IC
- 1 x 18 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 2.2 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 100 KΩ Potentiometer
- 1 x 1 µF – 50V Capacitor (Polarized)
- 1 x 0.1 nF Ceramic Disc Capacitor (100 pF code 101)
- 10 x 8mm Bright White LEDs
- Connecting Wires
- 5V Power Supply
- Breadboard
Working of the Project
In this project, we have designed a simple LED Chaser Circuit, where the LEDs turn ON one after the other and give us the effect of one LED chasing the other. We will now see the working of this project.
First thing we notice in the circuit diagram is that there are two parts in the circuit: the 555 Timer part and the CD4017 Decade Counter IC part with LEDs. The 555 Timer IC in this project is configured as an Astable Multivibrator.
In this mode, it generates a pulse whose frequency is determined by the components R1 (2.2 KΩ), R2 (18 KΩ), VR1 (100 KΩ) and C1 (1µF). The frequency of the pulse can be controlled by adjusting the 100 KΩ POT.
This pulse is given to the CD4017 Decade Counter IC as its clock input. By understanding the working of CD4017, for every clock pulse it receives at the Clock Input pin, the count in increased by 1 and as a result each output pin will be HIGH for every corresponding clock pulse.
As it is a decade counter, we will get a count of 10 and since we connected the bright white LEDs to the output pins, each LED will be turned ON when the corresponding pin becomes HIGH.
After 10 clock pulses, the count is reset and will start from the beginning. If the LEDs were placed in a circular fashion, we get the feel and look a Chasing LED effect.
Two Way Running LEDs with 11 LEDs, CD4017 and 555 Timer IC
This is another running LED circuit but the difference between this and the previous Running LEDs circuit and this circuit is that in the previous circuit, it was designed as a one way running LEDs circuit whereas in this circuit, the LEDs will be running in two ways.
Circuit Diagram
Components Required
- 1 x CD4017 Decade Counter IC
- 1 x 555 Timer IC
- 1 x 18 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 2.2 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 470 Ω Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 100 KΩ Potentiometer
- 1 x 1 µF – 50V Capacitor (Polarized)
- 1 x 0.1 nF Ceramic Disc Capacitor (100 pF code 101)
- 8 x 1N4007 PN Junction Diodes
- 11 x 8mm Bright White LEDs
- Connecting Wires
- 12V Power Supply
- Breadboard
Working of the Project
The working of the Two Way Running LEDs project is similar to that of the LED Chaser Circuit except that the orientation of the LEDs is different. We will see the working of this project now.
The 555 Timer part (the operation is similar to the one explained in the above circuit) generates a pulse signal, which is given to the CD4017 Counter as the clock input. The LED6, which is connected to the Q0 of the CD4017 will light up first.
The LED5 and LED7, which are connected to Q1 of CD4017, will light up next. The connections continue as shown in the circuit diagram and this process continues till Q5, which is connected to LED1 and LED11. Until this step, one way lighting of the LED will be completed.
In order to achieve the two way lighting up of the LED, Q6 is connected to LED2 and LED10, Q7 is connected to LED3 and LED9 and so on.
The final effect will be a Two Way Running LEDs and the sequence will be as follows: LED6 (Q0), LED5 – LED7 (Q1), LED4 – LED8 (Q2), LED3 – LED9 (Q3), LED2 – LED10 (Q4), LED1 – LED11(Q5) for one way and followed by LED2 – LED10 (Q6), LED3 – LED9 (Q7), LED4 – LED8 (Q8), LED5 – LED7 (Q9).
Circuit Diagram of LED Knight Rider Circuit Diagram:
Components Required for the Circuit:
- IC
- NE555 – 1
- CD4017 – 2
- Resistor
- R1 (1K) – 1
- R2 (100K) – 1
- R3 (10K) – 1
- VR1 (100K) – 1
- C2, C1 (.1uf) – 2
- D1-D9 (1N4148) – 9
- Transistor (BC547) – 1
- LED1-LED9 – 9
In order to get familiar with the working layout of the circuit it is important to get familiar with individual pin.
This IC has 16 pins out of which 3 are input pin, 10 is for output purpose and for ground one pin is assigned and one power supply and rest one left is for Carry out. As shown below pin diagram of IC CD4017.
- Reset Pin (Pin 15) – The counter is reset to zero by this pin. Suppose you wish that the counter starts counting from the third pin then you need to attached fourth output with 15 pin. So after each third output the counting automatically begins with zero.
- Clock Pin (Pin 14) – The output will be provided each time the pin 14 of the IC move to high. Like for the initial pulse of the clock pin 3 will give you output likewise for the next clock pulse arrive the output will be provided by pin2 and so on. After 10 clock pulse it will once more begins from Q0 output.
- Clock Inhibit Pin (Pin 13) – This pin is used to change the state of the counter from ON to OFF and vice versa. Pin 13 should reach the highest state if you wish to switch off the counter. If it is at high state then it will not pay attention on the clock pulse no issues that you press the switch how many of times, implies that the count will not go forward. Pin 13 in our circuit is grounded.
2. Output Pin (Pin Q0 – Q9) – In the sequential manner the output is received from these pins. Like pin 3 will give you output for the first pulse and so on.
3. Ground Pin (Pin 8) and Supply Pin (Pin 16) – For the working of the IC pin 8 provide ground while power supply is provided by pin16.
4. Carryout Pin (Pin 12) – With the help of this pin one or more than one IC CD4017 can be linked. Suppose you desire to attach one more CD4017 then attach pin 12 with input clock of its descendant. The carry pin of primary CD4017 is coupled with the second clock input similarly the second carry pin is coupled with the third clock input and so on. You can see this in circuit diagram.
NE555 and CD4017 are the two IC on which the circuit is based along with some other components. In this circuit IC 555 timer is used like an astable oscillator.
IC CD4017 is used as a CMOS counter/driver. Every time when it gets to clock pulse , it fetches the clock pulse through clock input and all 10 outputs turn on in sequence. It is well known IC and it is very much useful in various other projects viz Light Chaser, Matrix Die.
IC NE555 in this circuit is used as an astable mode , used to produce a clock pulse for the circuit. This is used to give an oscillating waveto pin 3 of the IC1 which is for output.
By the help of VR1 the speed of oscillation can be alter. 555 timer oscillation frequency can be calculated by-
f=1. 44/(R1+2* (VR1) *C1)
In this circuit, the counting will start from 0 till 16 since we have employed two decade counters. IC2 in the circuit done the counting 0 to 9 while with the help of diodes the rest of the counting will done by IC3.
In the instance when 555 timer gets the power supply, pin 3 of IC1 output is given to CD4017 pin 14 of decade count, which in turn give clock pulse for the IC2 working. CD4017 begins its counter value from zero (since it has inbuilt counter) after getting the clock input.
And after pin 14 moves to high it forwarded one by one to every pin. Like at the primary stage output Q0 will receive at pin 3 and LED1 will blink and LED2 will glow from pin4 and so on.
When the counter arrives at the pin 11 i.e ninth output it will create it temporary high, which is coupled to pin 13 (clock inhibit). The clock pulse will be disregarded from pin 14 if the pin is at high and the counting stop by IC2.
And in return of these IC3 pin 15 became low because earlier transistor BC547 is a high state. And pin15 of IC3 reset to low state due to this low signal for a short moment and the output of IC3 stats counter from Q0 (pin3) and move forward one by one.
When it arrives at Q8 which is pin 9 which is yet again connected with pin13 of IC3 due to stop counting of IC3 irrespective of the input signal. Pin 14 disregard the clock pulse if pin13 is at high which implies IC3 stop counting.
And this will once more given to reset pin 15 of IC2 and counting is now begin by IC2, counting of IC3 disabled.
It also means that when the output counting is done by IC2 from IC3 is stop similarly IC2 stop when IC3 counts. Hence output signals approaching from IC3 are transmitted in reverse direction to IC2.
The post LED Running Lights Circuit appeared first on Electronics Hub.
Working Procedure of Dual Converter using Thyristor and Its applications
Dual converter- the name itself indicates that it has two converters in it. It is an electric device mostly found in variable speed drivers. It is a power electronics control system to get either polarity DC from AC rectification by the forward converter and reverse converter. In a dual converter, two converters are connected together […]
The post Working Procedure of Dual Converter using Thyristor and Its applications appeared first on ElProCus - Electronic Projects for Engineering Students.
Thursday, 27 July 2017
Physicists turn a crystal into an electrical circuit
Atomic discovery opens door to greener, faster, smaller electronic circuitry
New method promises easier nanoscale manufacturing
Onkyo TX-NR656 A/V Receiver – Review
Onkyo TX-NR656 Review There is no shortage of AV receivers in the market nowadays, but products from Onkyo have always been popular with entertainment seeking buyers who do not want to compromise on quality. Onkyo already has several popular AV receiver models in its portfolio and the latest to join the line-up is Onkyo TX NR656. It comes loaded with latest features sought by audiophiles and entertainment seekers, such as DTS: X and Dolby Atmos support. It is also ideal to watch movies in eye popping 4K Ultra HD format. Another highlight of the product is support for multi-room audio. Design: Sleek and Elegant When you buy an AV receiver to be used with your HDTV and speakers, you will want it to gel with the look of those appliances and gadgets while expecting top notch audio-video performance! The Onkyo TX-656 has a clean and sleek design which makes it suitable for different types of buyers. You will find most of the controls at the front of the device and this is actually practical from a usage perspective. The large volume knob, as well as the HDMI port, is located at front of the device. The headphone and microphone inputs are also at the front side. However, keeping the USB input at the back of the device is somewhat inconvenient. The remote control of Onkyo 656 is quite easy to use and it is definitely an improvement over the unit you get with Onkyo TX-NR646. The remote does not have the number pad which makes it more convenient to use and navigate too. Like some others, you may also want your Smartphone or tablet to control features of the receiver and that is possible, thanks to the Onkyo control app. This is available both for iOS and Android users. It is quite intuitive in both OS versions. Connectivity: Spoilt for Choice You get nearly all types of connectivity options with the Onkyo TX NR656. There are several types of analog connections along with digital and component inputs. They are located at the rear side of the device. The number of HDMI ports is plenty for any users, as it is. The HDMI inputs (8 in number) are compatible with HDCP 2.2 and support HDR video. The inclusion of 1080p video up scaling to 4K standard is commendable, but most 4k TVs in the market are also capable of doing this. Onkyo TX – NR656 – Features: More is Better Onkyo is known for making its AV receivers loaded with features and the Onkyo NR656 is no exception. The feature list is likely to please even most finicky buyers, both in audio and video. Onkyo has ensured the device is reasonably future proof. Dolby Atmos and DTS: X- The receiver is compatible with both DTS: X and Dolby Atmos, two sound technologies loved by true audiophiles. It is basically a 7 channel receiver and the ideal setup would be 5.1.2 configuration. DTS –X allows you to customize the sound output in myriads of ways to get truly immersive audio experience. Multi-Room and Hi-Resolution Audio- No matter what your audio source is, the Onkyo TX-656 can decode it into audio output without any noise or trace of distortion. The Hi-Grade384 kHz/32-bit DAC handles all types of digital to analog conversions with aplomb. It supports lesser used audio formats like WMA Lossless, WAV, Apple Lossless as well as FLAC. The device also lets you set up several audio zones in the abode without many hassles. It makes use of the company’s FireConnect technology for multi room audio distribution. BUY ONKYO...
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Building A Real Time Clock using Dot Matrix Display on Proteus
Designing a Real Time Clock using Dot Matrix Display on Proteus Objective -Display Time on an 8X32 Dot matrix Display In this article, a Real Time Clock RTC DS 1307 is interfaced with a microcontroller and the time is displayed on a Dot matrix display. The circuit is simulated using the Proteus software. We shall discuss the project in two parts, one is interfacing the Dot matrix display and the other is interfacing the RTC DS 1307. Any RTC IC, for example, DS 3232 comes with an integrated crystal with which alarms can be interfaced. This article explains the programming part using the software ‘mikro C PRO for AVR’ in a progressive way. Logic is developed step by step so that by following the article, one can design displays of different sizes and formats. Let’s discuss the dot matrix displays first. Showing text or characters on a matrix display is done by refreshing the display with data frames. Now, we will discuss column refreshing. For this purpose, data frames for the columns are gathered and refreshed. Selection of Dot matrix Display Array 32 X 8 Array contains 8-Rows and 32-Columns. This is selected because we have to display time with seconds’ resolution and it contains 6 digits. Each digit is framed as a 5 X 7 Matrix i.e.., 5-Columns and 7-Rows. So, for six digits we need 5*6=30 columns and two columns for separating hours, minutes and seconds. From the displays readily available as a module, 4*8X8 LED Matrix displays are sufficient. However, we can change the display array according to our requirements by making suitable corrections in the programming part. Framing the characters Now, let’s frame the digits as a 5X7 Matrix. For this purpose, we need to declare a two-dimensional array of ‘char’ type for 10 digits. Below image shows the framing of digit ‘0’ for a Column Common Cathode type of module which means that columns are enabled by giving low signal and corresponding row LEDs are enabled with high signal From the above image, every dot in the digit is considered as High i.e.., logic 1. As there are 5-Columns, for every single column, the row LEDs which should glow is stored in the array. Thus we need 5-bytes for every digit. The font or style is of our choice. The style can be of segment type also. We should frame the digit according to the shape. Similarly, other digits are also framed. Below image shows frames of digit ‘0’ of a Column common anode type as it is readily available in proteus. Just by negating the data, the framed characters can be interchanged. As the digits are framed, it’s time to display them. To display the digits on the matrix arrays, 5-Pins to control individual columns and 7-Pins to control rows are required in this case. The program flow is like this, Enable column-1 and issue corresponding rows data to the rows. Wait for a few milliseconds and disable the column-1. Now, remove the rows data, Enable column-2 and issue rows data of column-2. Repeat the previous steps continuously as a loop to show the digit. For a single digit, it is feasible to control with a single microcontroller. But if a number of matrices are combined to form an array, the above circuit is modified, leaving the same program flow. To reduce the column pins, Column-1 of all the 8X8 matrices are connected together to form a single node and like vice the remaining columns. So, only 8-Pins are required to control all the columns of the array. As...
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The post Building A Real Time Clock using Dot Matrix Display on Proteus appeared first on Electronic Circuits and Diagram-Electronics Projects and Design.
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
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How Bipolar LED Driver Circuit works And Its Application
A LED driver or bipolar LED driver is an electrical circuit which a regulated amount of current and voltage to a LED or LED lamp. A LED lamp is a light that contains an arrangement of LEDs configured in an electrical circuit that is designed to operate efficiently. Bipolar LED driver circuits are power supplies […]
The post How Bipolar LED Driver Circuit works And Its Application appeared first on ElProCus - Electronic Projects for Engineering Students.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Multitasking monolayers
Advancing knowledge toward more efficient electronics
Breakthrough in spin wave-based information processing technology
Engineers invent the first bio-compatible, ion current battery
Sunday, 23 July 2017
Darkness Detector using LDR
Darkness Detector or Dark Detector is a circuit that detects darkness or absence of light. In this project, we have implemented a simple Darkness Detector Circuit using the simplest of all light sensors: the LDR (Light Dependent Resistor).
Darkness Detector circuits like this can be used in applications where we can automatically turn on lights when it becomes dark.
In addition to the LDR, we have also used the good old 555 Timer IC in Astable Mode to generate the required square wave. There are some passive components like capacitor and resistors. We have used a Piezo Buzzer as an alarm to indicate darkness.
The aim of this simple project is to detect darkness with the help of LDR and activate the buzzer.
NOTE: As this is a simple circuit, we haven’t implemented any automatic light on systems but just a buzzer.
Circuit Diagram of Darkness Detector
The following image shows the simple circuit diagram for Darkness Detector project implemented using LDR and 555 Timer IC.
Components Required
To implement this project, we need the following components.
- 1 x 555 Timer IC
- 1 x LDR
- 1 x Piezo Buzzer
- 1 x 10 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 2.2 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 1 MΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 1 µF Electrolytic Capacitor (50V)
- 1 x 0.1 nF Ceramic Capacitor (Also called 100 pF with code 101)
- 1 x 9V Battery
- 1 x Mini Breadboard
- Jumper Wires
Component Description
IC 555: 555 Timer is an 8 – pin DIP IC and it is one of the commonly used Timer ICs for different applications like timing, pulse generation, OP – Amps, etc.
The 555 Timer IC is used in this project in its Astable Multivibrator Mode of operation (with a slight modification). The following is the pin diagram of the 555 Timer IC.
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor): LDR or Light Dependent Resistor is one of the commonly used light sensors. In this project, we are using an LDR to detect darkness i.e. when the intensity of light decreases.
Circuit Design
We will design the circuit with respect to 555 Timer IC. As mentioned earlier, the 555 IC has 8 pins. Connect the pins 8 and 1 to 9V supply and GND respectively. Connect a 2.2 KΩ Resistor between the 9V supply and pin 7 of 555 IC. Now, connect a 10 KΩ Resistor between pins 7 and 6.
Pins 6 and 2 are shorted and a capacitor of capacitance 1 µF is connected between pins 2 and GND. Here, the positive lead of the capacitor is connected to pin 2 of 555 and the negative lead is connected to GND.
Connect a bypass capacitor of 0.1 nF (100pF) between pins 5 and GND. A piezo buzzer is connected between the output pin 3 and GND.
We have connected the buzzer directly to the output pin of the 555 Timer IC as it is a small buzzer. If you are not sure whether the 555 can drive the buzzer or not, you can use a transistor to drive the buzzer.
In case you are using a transistor (like 2N2222 or BC547), connect the output pin of 555 to the base of the transistor through a current limiting resistor. Connect one end of buzzer to supply and other end to the collector terminal of the transistor.
The emitter terminal of the transistor must be connected to GND. The following diagram shows this connection.
A simple dark detector or darkness detector is designed in this project. The project is implemented using very simple components like 555 and LDR (few passive components as well). The working of the project is explained here.
First, we will start with the 555 Timer. It is configured in Astable mode but the RESET pin is controlled by the LDR and Resistor network. When there is ample light around the LDR, its resistance becomes very low.
In our lab setup, it came down to around 2 KΩ. In this condition, the voltage divider formed by the 1 MΩ resistor and the LDR will produce almost 0V at its output. As this is given to the RESET pin of the 555 timer IC, the 555 Timer IC is Reset. As a result, you won’t get any output at the output pin.
When we block the LDR with an obstacle or hand, the light falling on it will decrease. The resistance of the LDR will increase and in our case (lab setup with studio lighting) the resistance increased to around 120 KΩ. This will pull up the reset pin and the Astable Mode will be activated.
Since we connected a small buzzer to the output pin of the 555 timer IC, the buzzer will be activated. Hence, when there is enough light on the LDR, the buzzer will be off and when it is dark, the buzzer is activated.
NOTE: In place of 1 MΩ Resistor, you can actually connect a 1 MΩ Potentiometer so that you can adjust the level of light that the LDR will detect.
- It is a very basic darkness detector with very simple hardware components and circuit.
- There is no need for any complex microcontroller circuit or programming to implement this project.
- Since the system is not controlled by any microcontroller, the results might not be as accurate as expected.
- This project can be implemented in applications like automatic switching on of lights when it becomes dark.
- This circuit can be part of a bigger circuit or project like home automation or home security system.
The post Darkness Detector using LDR appeared first on Electronics Hub.
Friday, 21 July 2017
Comparison between Star and Delta Connections
Star and Delta Connections are the two types of connections in a 3 – phase circuits. A Star Connection is a 4 – wire system and a Delta Connection is a 3 – wire system.
Before going in to details of the Star Connection, Delta Connection and comparing those two, let us have a very brief note on three – phase electric power.
A single phase system consists of just two conductors (wires): one is called the phase, through which the current flows and the other is called neutral, which acts as a return path to complete the circuit.
In a three – phase system, we have a minimum of three conductors or wires carrying AC voltages. It is more economical to transmit power using a 3 – phase power supply when compared to a single phase power supply as a three – phase supply can transmit three time the power with three conductors when compared to a two – conductor single – phase power supply.
Hence, most of the power generated and distributed is actually a 3 – phase power (but majority of households will receive a single phase supply).
Further, the three – phase electric power system can be arranged in two ways. They are: Star (also called Y or Wye) and Delta (Δ).
In a Star Connection, there are 4 wires: 3 phase wires and 1 neutral wire whereas in a Delta Connection, there are only 3 wires for distribution and all the 3 wires are phases (no neutral in a Delta connection). The following image shows a typical Star and Delta Connection.
Let us understand more about these connections by using the following Comparison between Star and Delta Connections.
A Star Connection is a 4 – wire connection (4th wire is optional in some cases) | A Delta Connection is a 3 – wire connection. |
Two types of Star Connection systems are possible: 4 – wire, 3 – phase system and 3 – wire 3 phase system. | In Delta Connection, only 3 – wire 3 phase system is possible. |
Out of the 4 wires, 3 wires are the phases and 1 wire is the neutral (which is the common point of the 3 wires). | All the 3 wires are phases in a Delta Connection. |
In a Star Connection, one end of all the three wires are connected to a common point in the shape of Y, such that all the three open ends of the three wires form the three phases and the common point forms the neutral. | In a Delta Connection, every wire is connected to two adjacent wires in the form of a triangle (Δ) and all the three common points of the connection form the three phases. |
The Common point of the Star Connection is called Neutral or Star Point. | There is no neutral in Delta Connection |
Line Voltage (voltage between any two phases) and Phase Voltage (voltage between any of the phase and neutral) is different. | Line Voltage and Phase Voltage are same. |
Line Voltage is root three times phase voltage i.e. VL = √3 VP. Here, VL is Line Voltage and VP is Phase Voltage. | Line Voltage is equal to Phase Voltage i.e. VL = VP. |
With a Star Connection, you can use two different voltages as VL and VP are different. For example, in a 230V/400V system, the voltage between any of the phase wire and neutral wire is 230V and the voltage between any two phases is 400V. | In a Delta Connection, we get only a single voltage magnitude. |
Line Current and Phase Current are same. | Line current is root three times the phase current. |
In Star Connection, IL = IP. Here, IL is line current and IP is phase current. | In Delta connection, IL = √3 IP |
Total three phase Power in a Star Connection can be calculated using the following formulae. P = 3 x VP x IP x Cos(Φ) or P = √3 x VL x IL x Cos(Φ) |
Total three phase Power in a Delta Connection can be calculated using the following formulae. P = 3 x VP x IP x Cos(Φ) or P = √3 x VL x IL x Cos(Φ) |
Since Line Voltage and Phase Voltage are different (VL = √3 VP), the insulation required for each phase is less in a Star Connection. | In a Delta Connection, the Line and Phase Voltages are same and hence, more insulation is required for individual phases. |
Usually, Star Connection is used in both transmission and distribution networks (with either single phase supply or three – phase. | Delta Connection is generally used in distribution networks. |
Since insulation required is less, Star Connection can be used for long distances. | Delta Connections are used for shorter distances. |
Star Connections are often used in application which require less starting current | Delta Connections are often used in applications which require high starting torque. |
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Oyvind on Seeed Studio’s blog
Today, Seeed Studio published an interview with me on their blog.
If you’re curious about the things I’ve done over the last 5 years, check it out. (Hint: Traveling, writing books, doing workshops, creating courses+++)
Seeed Studio is a hobbyist-friendly shop that sells electronics and PCB services. I’ve used them since I started out and can highly recommend them.
Copyright Build Electronic Circuits
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Folding robots: No battery, no wire, no problem
Temperature Controlled System
A Temperature Controlled System is a type of control system that automatically controls the temperature of an object or an area.
We commonly use temperature control systems in Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, geysers, etc. where the temperature is automatically adjusted as per the input settings. In order to implement a temperature control system, we need a temperature sensor, a controller, and a cooling system.
In this project, we have implemented a simple Temperature control system using simple components. The aim of this project is to automatically turn on or off the fan by detecting the surrounding temperature.
The hardware requirements for this simple temperature control system are: LM35, L293D, LM358, a fan and a few passive components (Resistors).
Circuit Diagram

Required Components
- 1 x LM35 Temperature Sensor
- 1 x LM358 Op – Amp
- 1 x L293D Motor Driver IC
- 1 x 12V DC Fan
- 1 x 10 KΩ Resistor (1/4 Watt)
- 1 x 5 KΩ Potentiometer
- 1 x Breadboard
- Connecting Wires
- 12V Power Supply
Component Description
LM35 Temperature Sensor
LM35 is a Celsius scale temperature sensor device with its output directly proportional to the temperature. LM35 can measure temperatures in the range of – 550C to + 1500C.
In this project, we are using LM35 Temperature Sensor to measure the temperature of its surroundings and send the corresponding voltage values to the controller (Op – Amp).
LM358 Op – Amp
LM358 is an Operational Amplifier (Op – Amp) IC which consists of two independent Op – Amps. LM358 has a wide range of applications like filters, LED or Lamp Drivers, pulse generator, voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), amplifier, etc. In this project, we are using the LM358 Op – Amp IC in its comparator mode.
NOTE: Even though LM358 has two Op – Amps, we are going to use only one. Hence, other Op – Amp ICs like LM741 (Single Op – Amp) or LM324 (Quadruple Op – Amps) can also be used.
L293D Motor Driver IC: L293D is a Motor Driver IC which can drive two motors at a time with individual inputs as it has a dual H – Bridge Driver. In this project, we are going to drive a 12V PC Fan with this motor driver IC.
Circuit Design
LM35 has 3 pins: VCC, Data and GND. Connect the VCC and GND to 12V and GND respectively and form a voltage divider with data pin and a 10 KΩ Resistor. The output of the voltage divider is given to the non – inverting input (Pin 3) of the Op – Amp (LM358).
A 5 KΩ Potentiometer is connected to the inverting input (Pin 2) of the Op – Amp. Pins 8 and 4 are connected to 12V supply and GND. The output of the Op – Amp i.e. Pin 1 is connected to the 1A Pin (Pin 3), which is the first driver input of the Motor Driver IC L293D.
The second driver input of L293D (2A – Pin 7) is connected to GND. Pins 1, 8 and 16 (Enable 1, VCC2 and VCC2) are connected to 12V supply and Pins 4, 5, 12 and 13 are connected to GND. Motor (12V PC Fan) is connected between Pins 3 and 6 (1Y and 2Y).
Working of the Project
The working of the Temperature Control System project can be explained easily by comparing it with a closed loop control system.
A closed loop control system consists of an input, a control device, output and feedback. The input is typically a sensor that continuously monitors the test parameter. Here, the input is the LM35 Temperature Sensor and the parameter we are interested in measuring is the Temperature.
The data from the input is given to a control device or system. This control device will actuate the output according to the input signals. In our project, LM358 Op – Amp is controller and it acts as a comparator.
If the temperature is more than the desired temperature, we need to activate the fan.
So, we need to adjust the Potentiometer such that if the temperature increases above a value, the output from the Op – Amp should be HIGH.
This HIGH output from the Op – Amp is given to the Motor Driver, which along with the Fan, forms the output part of the Control System.
Since the other drive input of the motor driver is already connected to GND, whenever the output from the Op – Amp is HIGH, the Input to the L293D is HIGH and the Fan starts rotating.
This will cool down the surroundings and this phenomena acts as the feedback in the control system. If the temperature decreases, the LM35 senses it and signals the Op – Amp to turn off the Fan.
The following image shows the closed loop control system representation of the temperature control system.
- The project implements a closed loop type control system for automatically adjusting the temperature.
- Closed loop type control system is more efficient than an open loop system as the output is continuously monitored as feedback.
- The Temperature Control System is a common type of control system implemented in different types of systems like Air Conditioning, Water Heaters, Refrigerators, etc.
- This type of Temperature Controlled Systems can also be implemented in industries, automobiles.
The post Temperature Controlled System appeared first on Electronics Hub.
Making of Thyristor Based CycloConverter and Its Applications
Cycloconverter is a frequency converter from one level to another, that can change AC power from one frequency to AC power at another frequency. Here, an AC-AC conversion process is done with a frequency change. Hence it is also referred as frequency changer. Normally, the output frequency is less than the input frequency. The implementation […]
The post Making of Thyristor Based CycloConverter and Its Applications appeared first on ElProCus - Electronic Projects for Engineering Students.
First Python Program on the Raspberry Pi
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to write and run your first Python Program on Raspberry Pi. In the process, you will understand what Python Program is, what the applications of Python Programming are, how to write Python Programs on Raspberry Pi and how to run those Python Programs.
As I have mentioned in the first Raspberry Pi tutorial (Raspberry Pi without monitor and keyboard), the main reason behind developing Raspberry Pi is to encourage learning of computer programming and Python is one of those few programming languages that Raspberry Pi has given a much higher priority.

What is Python?
Python is a powerful, very useful and one of the most popular programming languages in the World.
Python is very easy to use i.e. it has an easy to read syntax and writing programs in Python is simple for programmers as they need to write few lines of code when compared to other popular programming languages like C, C++ or Java.
Python is one of the highly recommended programming languages for people who are new to coding as its syntax is very clean with its importance to readability and usage of simple English Keywords.
Originally developed as a Scripting Language for Linux, Python soon became a main stream programming language. Unlike other programming languages like C or Java, Python Programs doesn’t need a compiler but requires a Python Interpreter to read and execute them.
We will see a simple Python Program in the later sections to print Hello World and compare it with a C Program of similar task.
Applications of Python Programs
Like any other programming language, Python can also be used with command line using Python IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) or the interactive programming environment like Python’s REPL (Read – Eval – Print Loop).
Python can also be used as a scripting language for automating different tasks. Additionally, Python can also be used in the following:
- Web and Internet Development
- Scientific and Numeric Applications
- Desktop Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
- Educational Applications
- Software Development
- Games
- Databases and many more.
Applications of Raspberry Pi and Python
There are a lot of things you can do with the combination of Raspberry Pi and Python. Some of the popular applications are mentioned below.
- Learn programming with Python.
- Raspberry Pi as a Web Server.
- Raspberry Pi Cluster (Super Computer).
- Application like Weather Monitoring Stations, Home Automation by interfacing different sensors.
- Raspberry Pi as Monitoring and Tracking Server.
Installing Python
To install Python2 or Python3 on Raspbian or any other Linux based operating system, you need to enter the following commands in the terminal.
For Python2, type the following command and hit enter
For Python3 (the latest revision of the Python), type the following command and hit enter
NOTE: Python will be pre-installed on the Raspbian OS and you can use the above commands to update it to the latest versions.
There are multiple ways to use Python on your Raspberry Pi. You can use it from the terminal or from an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). An IDE is a combination of a text editor, debugger and a compiler.
Raspbian has Python IDE called IDLE (for both Python2 and Python3). First we will see how to use Python from the Terminal (using command line and REPL) and then we will see how to launch the Python IDLE from Raspbian Desktop.
Python REPL (Read – Eval – Print Loop)
Python REPL is an interactive environment that accepts one command at a time, executes the command and prints the result and repeats the loop. To open Python REPL from the terminal, enter the following command and hit enter.
For Python2, enter
For Python3, enter
You will now enter in to an Interactive Mode Interpreter with a Primary Prompt waiting for the user to enter prompts. The Primary Prompt is usually 3 greater than signs (>>>).
In the Python REPL, you can directly enter the commands. For example, you can use it as a calculator by typing 2+3 and when you hit enter, you will directly get the result.
Another example is to print a text and we will be printing the very famous Hello World. For that, all you need to do is to type the following and hit enter.
To exit or come out of the Python REPL, you need to type CTRL+d.
Python Program
In Python REPL, we are directly entering the commands without creating or writing any program. Now, we will see how to write a program, save it and execute it.
Writing a Python Program
For our first program, we will see how to print the text ‘Hello, World’ using Python. We will be using Python3 in this example and the code is specific to Python3 and might give errors in Python.
To start writing the program, first type the following command and hit enter.
This will open the Nano text editor with name of the file being helloworld. In this, type the following lines of code.
In order to save this file press CTRL+x and then y. Notice that the file name ‘helloworld’ ends with an extension .py. It is very important to add this extension in order to specify it as a Python File.
You have successfully written your first Python program and saved it. We will now see a bit about the above code.
The first line is #!/usr/bin/python. This is a shebang statement which tells the interpreter to look for programs in the specified path.
The next line is the actual print statement which tells the interpreter to print the text in it.
Running the Python Program
In order to run the Python program which we just created and saved, type the following command and hit enter
As soon as you hit enter, you will get the output. If your Python Program is in a different location, you need to go to that directory first and then use the above command.
Making the Python Program Executable
By making the Python Program as an Executable file, we can directly run the program without using python3 (or python) in front of the program file name. In order to make the file as an executable file, type the following command and hit enter.
Now, in order to run this executable file, we need to use the following command.
Replace the in the above commands with the name you have given to your file. Do not forget the extension.
Python from Raspbian Desktop
As mentioned earlier, the Raspbian OS, which is the Raspberry Pi’s official OS, comes with the tools for both Python2 and Python3. To launch the Python3 IDLE, go to Raspbian Menu – > Programming – > Python3 (IDLE).
This will launch the Python Shell. This shell can be used as Python REPL and enter commands in interactive mode (as seen in the Terminal).
To write a program, go to File option in the Python Shell and select New File. A new, blank file will be opened. Here, we can write the programs and save the file (using File – > Save or CTRL+s) in our desired location.
I’ve saved the file as in the folder PythonProgs on the Desktop. The program written in is shown below.
To run this program, we need to use the Terminal. You can either execute the program by using the python3 before the file name (python3 or make the program file an executable file and run it.
In this tutorial, you have seen how to get started with Python on Raspberry Pi. If you are new to Programming (in general or Python in particular), you can use this setup to learn and practice Python.
If you are familiar with Python, then you can start developing small applications and projects.
The post First Python Program on the Raspberry Pi appeared first on Electronics Hub.
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Onkyo TX-RZ800 7.2 Channel Network, A/V Receiver – Review
Onkyo TX-RZ800 is designed to perfection for audiophile of today. The A/V receiver has separate processing blocks and amp, custom capacitors, discrete low-impedance amp circuitry, custom high-current transformer, 32-bit digital signal processor and Asahi Kasei 384 kHz/32-bit DAC for extracting the maximum performance from Dolby Atmos and DTS: X soundtracks. The device provides excellent sound quality along with a perfectly focused audio image. This is possible as the high-current amplifier helps in gripping the speaker drivers with great control for clear sounds, which range down to almost 5Hz without chances of phase shifting. Along with these, the device has original Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry (VLSC) technology. With the help of this technology, you can enjoy clean signal without pulse noise. The receiver of the system can be turned up to THX Reference levels. Whether you play an album over AirPlay or play an object-based movie soundtrack. You are sure to get great sound effects. When your aim is enjoying latest UltraHD entertainment, this device will be the perfect choice for you. Build quality & Design of Onkyo TX-RZ800 When compared to the older models, this new model comes with certain design changes. There is a new chassis in the device with a brand new architecture. The preamp section has also been revamped. The front panel comes with many changes. The knobs and control buttons are visible. There is also a large LCD display right in the front of the device, which displays information when the device is functioning. Along with this, there is a flap that conceals many more control buttons and knobs. The space on the frontal part of the device is well-utilized. All these elements have made the device slightly bigger in dimensions and heavier as well when compared to other models. Onkyo TX-RZ800 – Features Smooth Analog Signal – Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry (VLSC) is a technology implemented by Onkyo for reassembling the signal in its original form after the sound processing. With VLSC it is possible to get rid of pulse noise, which is generated during D/A conversions. As a result, the sound wave that is produced comes with amazing smoothness and with a high analog signal. With a smooth output wave form, the sound effects are excellent. Ultra Low-Frequency Hi-Current Amp – Onkyo has been building amplifiers and sound receivers since a long time and they have used all their experience in building this device. This machine reproduces ultra-low frequencies down up to 5Hz so that the best bass impact can be felt. The device also has high-current amplification system for dynamic and accurate sound. Realistic Audio – With Wide Range Amp Technology (WRAT), it is possible to prevent phase shifting. The roll-off point can be pushed higher than the listening level frequency. When sound amplification takes place without phase shift it creates uncommonly well focused, clear and realistic audio image. DTS: X Compatible – DTS: X is latest surround sound technology, which is highly object-based. This includes height for delivering for an excellent listening experience. This technology comes with ultimate interactivity, immersion, and flexibility. It is possible to personalize the audio experience with this technology. THX Certified Audio Quality – In a movie theater, you can feel the sound from all quarters and this is what gives the thrilling experience. Onkyo TX-RZ800 is THX certified and you can get the same thrilling sound quality in your home. With THX certification, it is possible to get high volume at low distortion. Turn your living room into a theater and enjoy the experience. Supports Dolby Atmos – Dolby Atmos sound quality is amazing. It seems...
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The post Onkyo TX-RZ800 7.2 Channel Network, A/V Receiver – Review appeared first on Electronic Circuits and Diagram-Electronics Projects and Design.
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