Tuesday, 31 March 2020

The dangers of learning electronics

Two weeks ago, we were instructed (as in most of the world these days) to self-isolate. My plans to fly down to Spain and build a kitchen had to be discarded.

But a wonderful thing happened instead:

I suddenly had time to build a new project!

My wife and I just moved into a new apartment in Oslo. We only need one bedroom, so I threw out the bed in the other room and replaced it with a desk.

Hello, workbench!

What do you need for a workbench? A power supply of course.

This has been brewing in the back of my head for a while.

But the other day, it occurred to me:

If there is one thing I’ve always had an abundance of in my life, it’s wall adapters.

You know, these wall plugs you use for your router, your radio, your phone charger +++

And as much as I’d love to use these for my projects, they never have the voltage I need.

So I decided to build an adapter for my adapters!

The idea is simple. The circuit takes a DC voltage input from any wall adapter. And I can adjust the output voltage to the voltage I need for whatever experiment I’m doing.

Now if you are an experienced circuit builder reading this you might think: “Hey, but something like that already exists. You can just buy a finished module”

But where’s the fun in that?

To me, building electronics isn’t about inventing some genius gadget that no one has thought about.

To me, it’s about being curious and experimenting. It’s about trying to solve problems. It’s about that inner voice that says “what if I did that”, then testing and seeing what happens.

When I do this, I’m in one of my happiest states. I forget to eat. And hours feel like minutes.

That’s what happened this week.

I was supposed to give myself half the day on Monday to work on this project.

Then I was supposed to stop and do other highly important tasks.

I failed.

It’s Wednesday now and I haven’t done anything other than work on the project.

That’s the danger of learning electronics.

I should probably add a warning on the Ohmify page: Electronics can be highly addictive. Do not join unless you are prepared to forget important things like eating.

I’ll post my progress on the project in the community forum of Ohmify. And I’ll add schematics and instructions for those interested in building the same project.

If you’re not a member yet, you can join here:

Keep On Soldering!

Oyvind @ build-electronic-circuits.com

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Friday, 27 March 2020

Double-walled nanotubes have electro-optical advantages

Theorists find that flexoelectric effects in double-walled carbon nanotubes could be highly useful for photovoltaic applications.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

A nanoscale device to generate high-power Terahertz waves

Researchers have developed a nanodevice that operates more than 10 times faster than today's fastest transistors. It enables the generation of high-power terahertz waves. These waves, which are notoriously difficult to produce, are useful in a rich variety of applications ranging from imaging and sensing to high-speed wireless communications. The high-power picosecond operation of these device also hold immense promise to some advanced medical treatment techniques such as cancer therapy.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

A synchronization approach to sensing using many oscillators

Engineers have found a new approach of taking a measurement over an extended area. The technique is based on coupled 'chaotic oscillators,' which are highly sensitive electronic circuits that can interact wirelessly through low-frequency low-power electromagnetic coupling. By making each oscillator sensitive to a quantity of interest, such as light intensity, and scattering a number of them sufficiently closely, it is possible to 'read out' useful measurement statistics from their collective activity.

Creating stretchable thermoelectric generators

For the first time, a soft and stretchable organic thermoelectric module has been created that can harvest energy from body heat. The breakthrough was enabled by a new composite material that may have widespread use in smart clothing, wearable electronics and electronic skin.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Novel MOF is potential next-gen semiconductor

A professor has demonstrated a novel double-helical metal organic framework architecture in a partially oxidized form that conducts electricity, potentially making it a next-generation semiconductor.

On the trail of organic solar cells' efficiency

Scientists have investigated the physical causes that limit the efficiency of novel solar cells based on organic molecular materials. Currently, the voltage of such cells is still too low - one reason for their still relatively low efficiencies.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

New brain reading technology could help the development of brainwave-controlled devices

A new method to accurately record brain activity at scale has been developed. The technique could lead to new medical devices to help amputees, people with paralysis or people with neurological conditions such as motor neuron disease.

Device brings silicon computing power to brain research and prosthetics

A new device enables researchers to observe hundreds of neurons in the brain in real-time. The system is based on modified silicon chips from cameras, but rather than taking a picture, it takes a movie of the neural electrical activity.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Stretchable supercapacitors to power tomorrow's wearable devices

Researchers have engineered a novel type of supercapacitor that maintains full functionality even when stretched to eight times its original size. It does not exhibit any wear and tear from being stretched thousands of times, and loses only a few percentage points of energy performance after 10,000 cycles of charging-discharging. The researchers envision the supercapacitor being part of a power-independent, stretchable, flexible electronic system for applications such as wearable electronics or biomedical devices.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Fish scales could make wearable electronics more sustainable

Flexible temporary electronic displays may one day make it possible to sport a glowing tattoo or check a reading, like that of a stopwatch, directly on the skin. In its current form, however, this technology generally depends on plastic. New research describes a way to make these displays, which would likely be discarded after a single use, more environmentally friendly using a plentiful and biodegradable resource: fish scales.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Semiconductors can behave like metals and even like superconductors

The crystal structure at the surface of semiconductor materials can make them behave like metals and even like superconductors, a research team has shown. The discovery potentially opens the door to advances like more energy-efficient electronic devices.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Scalable system for producing promising 2D material

Researchers have designed a system that can be used to make large quantities of the material while preserving its unique properties. The team recently reported that a lab-scale reactor system developed at the Materials Research Center in Kyiv, can convert a ceramic precursor material into a pile of the powdery black MXene titanium carbide, in quantities as large as 50 grams per batch.

Friday, 13 March 2020

How To Build An Automatic Night-Light

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build an automatic night-light that turns on when it gets dark. It’s a simple circuit that you can build on a breadboard.

This circuit shows you how to do it with an LED. But you can use the same principle to turn on bigger and brighter lights too.

Find the breadboard diagram and parts list below the video.

The Components You’ll Need

  • 9V Battery
  • Breadboard
  • Photoresistor (around 5kΩ in light, 200kΩ or more in dark)
  • Transistor BC547
  • Resistor 100 kΩ
  • Resistor 470 Ω
  • Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

There are many ways to connect this circuit. I recommend using a breadboard since it’s quick and you can easily reuse components.

Below you can see how I connected this circuit on a breadboard:

Night-light circuit on breadboard

How The Circuit Works

The photoresistor and the 100 kΩ resistor make up a voltage divider.

When there is a lot of light, the photoresistor will have low resistance, which means the voltage divider gives a low output voltage. So the transistor is off and cuts off the current to the LED. Which means no light.

When it’s dark, the photoresistor will have high resistance. That means the voltage divider gives a high output voltage which turns on the transistor. That means the LED is also on and will light up.

What Are the Voltages out From the Voltage Divider?

When it’s light and the photoresistor value is low, the output from the voltage divider is around 0.5V, which is not enough to turn on the transistor.

When it’s dark and the photoresistor value is high, the output from an unconnected voltage divider would be around 4.5V.

But since the output of the voltage divider is connected on the base of the transistor, the voltage will be limited by the forward voltage of the base-emitter connection (around 0.7V).


Did you build this circuit? Do you have any questions about how it works or how to build it? Let me know in the comment section below.

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Thursday, 12 March 2020

The ink of the future in printed electronics

A research group has created an organic material with superb conductivity that doesn't need to be doped. They have achieved this by mixing two polymers with different properties.

Why do carbon nanotubes line up? They're in a groove

New research offers a groovy answer to the question of what causes carbon nanotubes to align in ultrathin crystalline films.

World's smelliest fruit could charge your mobile phone

Pungent produce packs an electrical punch. New method using world's 'most repulsive smelling fruit' could 'substantially reduce' the cost of energy storage. Super-capacitors have the ability to charge devices very quickly A University of Sydney researcher has developed a new method using what is considered the world's most repulsive smelling fruit. Turning durian waste into super-capacitors could 'substantially reduce' the cost of energy storage and charge devices very quickly.

Not sure how to build your idea? Here’s how:

Stripboard Project

“I know the basics, and I’ve built a few circuits. But I have no idea how the build my own ideas!”

That’s a common problem.

However, here’s how you solve it.

First of all, make your idea specific.

Choose ONE idea. And write down exactly what it is.

Let’s say it’s an internet-connected cat feeder that enables you to feed your cat while you’re at work.

The “internet-connected” part suggests that you need a microcontroller with an internet-connection. If you already have WiFi in your home, then the easiest way would be to find a microcontroller module with WiFi.

The cat-feeder part suggests that you need some kind of mechanism to release food into your cat’s bowl. To control this remotely, you need a motor.

And to be able to control the motor from the internet-connected microcontroller, you need a motor controller.

Now you’re starting to get an overview of what’s needed.

And before you go “Noooo! I don’t know how to do any of those things!” – realize that there is another step left:

Next up is the research phase.

You’re doing a project you haven’t done before. You’ll inevitably have to do some research!

Even professionals go through the research phase.

Read up on microcontroller modules with WiFi.

Read up on ideas for cat-feeder mechanisms.

Read up on motor controllers.

Take courses. Read books. Or search for articles on the internet.

And ask for help.

Here’s a tip on asking for help:

Don’t ask a general “How do I build an internet-connected cat-feeder?” question.

Because then it seems like you don’t want to put in the work yourself. And it’s demotivating to help people who don’t want to put in the work.

Instead ask for example: “I want to build an internet-connected cat-feeder, and I’m trying to figure out what I need. So far I think I need X,Y,Z – am I onto something here?.”

Or how about: “I’m working on an internet-connected cat-feeder, and I’ve been reading up on motor controllers. What I don’t understand is …”

Sometimes the act of asking helps you get clear and you’ll find the answer on your own.

Of course all of this becomes easier as you get more experience building projects. And as you understand more of the basics of electronics.

If you need a place to learn electronics from scratch and to get help with your projects, check out Ohmify. It’s were I spend my days teaching electronics and helping members make their dream projects come alive. More info here:


Keep On Soldering!
Oyvind @ build-electronic-circuits.com

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Integrating electronics onto physical prototypes

Researchers have invented a way to integrate 'breadboards' -- flat platforms widely used for electronics prototyping -- directly onto physical products. The aim is to provide a faster, easier way to test circuit functions and user interactions with products such as smart devices and flexible electronics.

'Magnonic nanoantennas': optically-inspired computing with spin waves one step closer

A new methodology for generating and manipulating spin waves in nanostructured magnetic materials opens the way to developing nano-processors for extraordinarily quick and energy efficient analog processing of information.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Ultrathin organic solar cell is both efficient and durable

Scientists have succeeded in creating an ultrathin organic solar cell that is both highly efficient and durable. Using a simple post-annealing process, they created a flexible organic cell that degrades by less than 5% over 3,000 hours in atmospheric conditions and that simultaneously has an energy conversion ratio -- a key indicator of solar cell performance -- of 13%.

New acoustic smart material inspired by shark skin

Researchers created a new sharkskin-inspired smart material that allows shifts in acoustic transmission on demand using magnets. As a result the new material can achieve multiple properties in one structure by switching between states, for example transmitting and also damping external noise transmission in a submarine through a single device. This smart material can recreate properties intrinsic to electronic devices such as switches, thus showing promise of smart sound transmission--a sound ''computer.''

Monday, 9 March 2020

A flexible brain for AI

Scientists have developed a customizable computing device using nanofabricated switches than can be rewired to optimize AI applications using 80% less power. These devices can be used as flexible computing platform for artificial intelligence tasks.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Breaking point of conducting material

An improved method to predict the temperature when plastics change from supple to brittle, which could potentially accelerate future development of flexible electronics, was developed.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

A talented 2D material gets a new gig

Scientists have designed a tunable graphene device for experiments in exotic physics, where superconducting, insulating, and magnetic properties can be observed in a single system. The technology could advance the development of next-generation memory devices and quantum computers.

A small step for atoms, a giant leap for microelectronics

Rice materials scientist Boris Yakobson and colleagues in Taiwan and China report in Nature on making large single-crystal sheets of hexagonal boron nitride, touted as a key insulator in future two-dimensional electronics.

Plastic from wood

The biopolymer lignin is a by-product of papermaking and a promising raw material for manufacturing sustainable plastic materials. However, the quality of this naturally occurring product is not as uniform as that of petroleum-based plastics. An X-ray analysis carried out at DESY reveals for the first time how the internal molecular structure of different lignin products is related to the macroscopic properties of the respective materials.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

New material could turn clothing into a health monitor

Researchers have reported a new material, pliable enough to be woven into fabric but imbued with sensing capabilities that can serve as an early warning system for injury or illness.

What Is Electric Current?

Electric current is what you get when electric charge moves around a circuit. It’s pretty simple when you finally get it. But there are some common pitfalls that can give you the wrong idea when learning.

And if you don’t know what current is and how it works, it’s a huge source of confusion when learning electronics.

Ohms law cartoon showing that electric current flows.

My goal is that after reading this article, you’ll understand what current is. And you’ll understand that a resistor must have the same amount of current going into it as going out from it.

The Current in a River Metaphor

Electric current is the movement of electric charge. It’s not the charge itself.

Me standing by a river with a weak current in the Norwegian mountains

As a metaphor, you can think of a river. If a lot of water moves past a point in the river, it means the current is strong. If the water stands almost still, it means the current is weak.

(And if there’s no current at all, it doesn’t mean there’s no water, it just means that the water doesn’t move.)

The circles in the animation below represent electric charge. The current isn’t the circles, but the speed of the circles.

So if you look at the speed of the circles at any point, you’ll find the current at that point.

(I’ll touch upon the direction of current a bit further down.)

Electric current animation

Electric Current Isn’t “Used up”

The battery’s voltage is what pushes the charges around the circuit. And here’s an extremely important fact:

A circuit is always completely filled with electric charges. Even when there’s no battery connected.

But when there’s no battery connected, they’re not moving – so there’s no current. But they are still there.

At the moment you connect the battery, the charges start flowing. And what’s very important to notice is that they start flowing in the whole circuit – not just at the start.

So you’ll have current everywhere in the circuit at the moment you connect the battery.

Animation of electric current flowing everywhere from the start

The battery always receives back what it pushes out. One charge pushed out of the plus terminal means one charge is pulled back in from the minus terminal.

That means that the current flowing out of the battery is exactly the same as the current flowing back into the battery.

Current is never “used up”.

How The Resistor Reduces Current

Let’s have a look at what this means for the resistor.

A resistor

The resistor will “resist” the current. Meaning that it will slow down the charges flowing through it.

But since the circuit is completely filled with charges, that means the charges are slowed down in the whole circuit.

Just like when you squeeze a garden hose so that less water flows out of it. The water is slowed down in the whole hose, not just after the spot you squeeze.

So the current before the resistor is equal to the current after the resistor.

This means that in the case of using a resistor to protect an LED – it doesn’t matter if you place it before or after the LED. In both of the circuits below, the resistor protects the LED:

Two circuits with an LED and a resistor in opposite places.

Electric Charges Don’t Accumulate Anywhere

Sometimes after explaining the above two circuits, I get this question:

“But Oyvind, what about in the beginning when you connect the battery? Before the charges have accumulated in the resistor, surely the LED will get a high current at first, right?”

No. The charges never accumulate anywhere in the circuit.

Remember that the circuit is always completely filled with charges. One charge pushed in means one charge pushed out.

This means that the current flowing out of the battery is the same as the current flowing into the battery, also at the exact moment you connect the battery.

The Direction of Current

In the animations above, the current flows from plus to minus. But you might have come across information saying the opposite – that current really flows from minus to plus. What’s correct?

Electrons flow the opposite way, from minus to plus. Electrons carry a negative charge and are the particles that usually move inside wires.

But current isn’t defined as the flow of electrons. It’s defined as the flow of charge.

The electron carries a charge. But there are other particles that carry charge in a circuit too. For example electron holes that move from plus to minus. And they can both exist in the same circuit.

Electrons are the most common particle that flow in an electric circuit. So shouldn’t we say the current flows from minus to plus?

Well, you can. But remember that electrons carry a negative charge. So you’ll end up with a negative current. Which is fine. You’ll get the same results as us who prefer the plus to minus direction.

Just know that in the world of electronics, an electric current of -20 mA flowing from minus to plus is the exact same thing as a current of +20 mA flowing from plus to minus.


After reading this, is it clear to you what electric current is? Do you have any questions? Let me know in the comment field below!

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Unique material could unlock new functionality in semiconductors

Researchers detailed how they designed and synthesized a unique material with controllable capabilities that make it very promising for future electronics.

These electronics-free robots can walk right off the 3D-printer

This a robot can walk, without electronics, and only with the addition of a cartridge of compressed gas, right off the 3D-printer. It can al...