Thursday, 27 May 2021

Why Are Electronics Books so Hard?

A few weeks ago, I went to the library with my wife. I checked out some of the electronics books they had, and something interesting dawned upon me…

First, I have to say that I feel confident in my ability to build pretty much anything when it comes to electronics.

I’ve designed microchips, I’ve designed see-through-wall technology with radar, I’ve designed the prototype for an award-winning coffee roaster, and much more.

But when looking at the books I realized that there is a lot that I don’t know from these books.

A Typical Electronics Book

If you look at some of the most popular books on learning electronics, you’ll see chapters like “Semiconductors”, “Filters”, “Oscillators, “Operational amplifiers”. And when you open up these chapters, you usually find that the topics are explained by using mathematics.

For example, I wanted to see if I could find the easiest way to blink a light according to these books. The reason is that a blinking light was the first circuit I ever learned. So I wanted to see if any of these books would have helped me back when I was starting out.

To blink a light, you need something that turns on and off repeatedly. In electronics, this is called an oscillator.

So, I looked at the oscillator chapter in one of the books I found. And you know what? I did not understand the explanation!

There were boxes with letters in them and conditions about box A needed to be bigger than box B and resonance frequency and whatnot.

Math formulas

I remember learning about these things at university. But I also remember not really understanding them, even though I might have been able to calculate correctly.

It Doesn’t Have to Be That Hard

My understanding of components and circuits have instead come from practical experimentation and looking at what’s going on with the voltage and current in the circuit.

Maybe it means that those topics aren’t really that important to your goal?

What I realized was that many of the topics are not really important. It’s great to have a basic idea around them, but you don’t really need to know how to design a Colpitts Oscillator unless you really want to. You can live a happy life, building advanced electronics without ever learning that.

What is important to learn?

The things that are important to learn are the very basics of electronics – like what the most common components do, and how voltage, current, and resistance behave together. And how to use integrated circuits (important).

When you have those basic things down, practical skills are the most important things to focus on for a while. Learn to put together circuits from a circuit diagram onto a breadboard. Then learn to solder circuits onto prototyping boards (perfboard/stripboard). Then learn to design your own printed circuit board (PCB).

If you know all of the above, then you can build whatever you want.

You might protest: “I know the above and now I want to build an automatic cat feeder – but I have no idea how!”

But this is the life of an electronics designer. You never know how to design something unless you’ve designed it before. You usually have to do some research, read up on new components, and ask for advice.

So that’s what you’ll have to do now.

If you need help, these are all things you’ll get help with as a member of Ohmify.

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Quantum electronics: 'Bite' defects in bottom-up graphene nanoribbons

Scientists have identified a new type of defect as the most common source of disorder in on-surface synthesized graphene nanoribbons, a novel class of carbon-based materials that may prove extremely useful in next-generation electronic devices. The researchers identified the atomic structure of these so-called 'bite' defects and investigated their effect on quantum electronic transport. These kinds of defective zigzag-edged nanoribbons may provide suitable platforms for certain applications in spintronics.

What is a Voltage Regulator?

A voltage regulator is a component that converts a voltage to a lower (or higher) level.

A typical example is if you want to use a 9V battery, but you need 5V in the circuit. For example to create a portable USB charger. Then you can use a voltage regulator that takes those 9V as an input and creates a stable 5V output to use in your circuit.

Or if you need different voltage levels for a circuit you’re building. Let’s say you have a circuit with a microcontroller that needs 5V and a motor that needs 12V. Instead of using two power supplies, you can use just a 12V supply and add a voltage regulator that provides 5V for the microcontroller.

How To Connect a Voltage Regulator

Usually, you need a few extra components connected to your voltage regulator to make the output a bit more stable. At least a capacitor or two. But it depends on the one you choose. You’ll find info about how to connect a specific voltage regulator in its datasheet.

For example, the voltage regulator 7805 is a common one. It gives you 5V out. From the 7805 datasheet, you can find this example circuit that shows that you need two capacitors:

A simple 7805 voltage regulator circuit with 5V output
Voltage regulator with 5V output

Types Of Voltage Regulators

There are two common types of voltage regulators that are worth knowing about:

  • Linear Voltage Regulators
  • DC-DC Switching Regulators

The linear voltage regulator is the simplest one that only requires a couple of capacitors and maybe a resistor or two to work.

Examples of linear regulators are the 7805 and the LM317 with an adjustable output voltage.

Basic LM317 circuit
LM317 circuit with adjustable output

The DC-DC switching regulator is a bit more complex and needs an inductor and a diode to work. One example is the LM2596. But often you can find these as small modules (look for DC-DC converters) that have everything needed on the board.

Voltage regulator: DC-DC converter module
A DC/DC converter module

The main difference between the two is that a linear regulator wastes much more power than the switching regulator. So the linear regulator can easily get really warm if you don’t provide good cooling.

Also, the switching regulator is the only one that can give you a higher output voltage than the one you put in. A linear regulator will always give you a lower output voltage.

How Linear Voltage Regulators Work

There are many ways to design a linear voltage regulator. Here’s maybe one of the simplest:

The output will always be the Zener voltage of the diode minus the VBE voltage of the transistor. VBE is usually around 0.6V to 0.7V. So with a 5.6V Zener diode, you’ll get around 5V on the output.

If the output voltage goes up beyond 5V, that means VBE becomes lower. That would make the transistor reduce the current so that the voltage goes down again. If the output goes lower than 5V, the opposite would happen.

How Switching Regulators Work

The other main type is the switching regulator. This is a voltage regulator that is switching the input voltage on and off and uses some smart circuit tricks with an inductor to convert the voltage in a much more power-efficient way.

There are 3 main types:

  • Buck converter – Can convert to a lower voltage
  • Boost converter – Can convert to a higher voltage
  • Buck-boost converter – Can convert both to a lower and a higher voltage

Here’s the basic concept of a buck converter:

How a buck converter works

When the switch is pushed, current flows into the inductor, capacitor and load from the battery. Both the inductor and the capacitor gets charged. When the switch is released, the stored energy in the inductor and capacitor provides the current for the load.

In real life, the switch is replaced by a transistor. And there is a sensing mechanism that checks the output voltage and turns the transistor on and off faster (to get more voltage) or slower (to get less voltage).


Let me know what questions you have about the voltage regulator in the comment section below. I’ll do my best to answer them and update the article accordingly!

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Monday, 24 May 2021

Silicon chips combine light and ultrasound for better signal processing

High-end wireless and cellular networks rely on light for the distribution of signals. The selective processing of such signals requires long delays: too long to support on a chip using light alone. A research team brought together light and ultrasonic waves to realize ultra-narrow filters of microwave signals, in silicon integrated circuits. The concept allows large freedom for filters design.

Friday, 21 May 2021

A new form of carbon opens door to nanosized wires

A new allotrope of carbon has been produced. Like graphene, it is only one atom thick, but unlike graphene it behaves like a metal even at small scales, ideal for nanosized wires. This result is exciting for engineers trying to develop new carbon-based electronics and the new method demonstrates a novel way to produce other theoretically-designed but not-yet-created forms of nanoscale carbon materials.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Spintronics: Improving electronics with finer spin control

Scientists have found a new way to control the alignment state of magnetic atoms in an antiferromagnetic material, showing promise for the development of tiny sensors and memory devices. Researchers now describe their new approach featuring a controllable exchange bias effect, which enables the asymmetric magnetic actions of devices comprised of complex combination structure of different types of magnetic materials.

Engineers harvest WiFi signals to power small electronics

A research team has developed new technology that uses tiny smart devices known as spin-torque oscillators to harvest and convert wireless radio frequencies into energy to power small electronics.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

New atomically precise graphene nanoribbon heterojunction sensor developed

A team of physicists and chemists has developed a highly sensitive sensor, which was made possible by a new heterostructure consisting of atomically precise graphene nanoribbons.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Tiny, wireless, injectable chips use ultrasound to monitor body processes

Researchers report that they have built what they say is the world's smallest single-chip system, consuming a total volume of less than 0.1 mm3. The system is as small as a dust mite and visible only under a microscope. In order to achieve this, the team used ultrasound to both power and communicate with the device wirelessly.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Electromagnetic levitation whips nanomaterials into shape

To deliver reliable mechanical and electric properties, nanomaterials must have consistent, predictable shapes and surfaces, as well as scalable production techniques. Engineers are solving this problem by vaporizing metals within a magnetic field to direct the reassembly of metal atoms into predictable shapes.

Stabilizer residue in inks found to inhibit conductivity in 3D printed electronic

Very thin layers of organic stabilizer residue in metal nanoparticle (MNP) inks are behind a loss of conductivity in 3D printed materials and electronic devices, according to the findings of a new study.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Graphene key for novel hardware security

As more private data is stored and shared digitally, researchers are exploring new ways to protect data against attacks from bad actors. Current silicon technology exploits microscopic differences between computing components to create secure keys, but artificial intelligence (AI) techniques can be used to predict these keys and gain access to data. Now, researchers have designed a way to make the encrypted keys harder to crack.

Chill out: Advanced solar tech runs cooler and lasts longer

New mechanisms for converting sunlight to electricity more efficiently are also beneficial for extending the lifespan of solar panels.

Saturday, 8 May 2021

In graphene process, resistance is useful

Scientists adapt laser-induced graphene to make conductive patterns from standard photoresist material for consumer electronics and other applications.

Towards 2D memory technology by magnetic graphene

In spintronics, the magnetic moment of electrons is used to transfer and manipulate information. An ultra-compact 2D spin-logic circuitry could be built from 2D materials that can transport the spin information over long distances and provide strong spin-polarization of charge current. Experiments by physicists suggest that magnetic graphene can be the ultimate choice for these 2D spin-logic devices as it efficiently converts charge to spin current and can transfer this strong spin-polarization over long distances.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Physicists find a novel way to switch antiferromagnetism on and off

Physicists have found a novel way to switch antiferromagnetism on and off, which could lead to faster, more secure memory storage.

An uncrackable combination of invisible ink and artificial intelligence

Coded messages in invisible ink sound like something only found in espionage books, but in real life, they can have important security purposes. Yet, they can be cracked if their encryption is predictable. Now, researchers have printed complexly encoded data with normal ink and a carbon nanoparticle-based invisible ink, requiring both UV light and a computer that has been taught the code to reveal the correct messages.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Thin, large-area device converts infrared light into images

An infrared imager developed by engineers could be used to see through smog and fog; easily locate blood vessels on a patient; and see through silicon wafers to inspect the quality of electronic boards. It is also slim, compact and less costly to fabricate than similar technologies.

New graphite-based sensor technology for wearable medical devices

Researchers have developed next-generation, graphene-based sensing technology using their innovative G-Putty material. The team's printed sensors are 50 times more sensitive than the industry standard and outperform other comparable nano-enabled sensors in an important metric seen as a game-changer in the industry: flexibility.

These electronics-free robots can walk right off the 3D-printer

This a robot can walk, without electronics, and only with the addition of a cartridge of compressed gas, right off the 3D-printer. It can al...