Wednesday, 16 August 2017

RFID Reader and Tag – Ultimate Guide on RFID Module

This article is developed as an ultimate guide on RFID reader module and RFID tag – and explains how it works. We have published many interesting projects using an RFID reader module – like RFID Attendance Management System,  or RFID based Access Control System. We have also published simple RFID reader based projects like a Simple RFID Door Lock. All these projects make use of an RFID reader and an RFID tag. This article helps you understand more about an RFID reader and tag – how they look, how they operate, how to use an RFID reader/tag and different other applications using an RFID reader. Content Outline What is RFID Technology? Difference between Barcode and RFID What is meant by RFID reader? What is RFID Tag? Types of RFID Tags Active Transponder Beacons Advantage Disadvantages Passive Low frequency High frequency Very high frequency Advantages Disadvantages Applications What is RFID Zombie tag  A brief note on RFID Technology RFID stands for radio frequency identification. RFID tags are small chips (usually comes in a smart card or visiting card shape) that are used in our day to day life for unlocking hotel rooms, entering into cars etc.These tiny chips along with an RFID reader forms the RFID system. RFID  technology was first used during world war 2 to identify enemy aircrafts. Since then RFID technology has evolved and is now used in many different industries. One clean example is a smart warehouse where the process of warehousing is automated using RFID Technology. Watch the video given below to understand an RFID warehouse. An RFID system consists of two parts 1)RFID Reader and 2)RFID Tag. Data is stored in the RFID tag electronically. This data is retrieved by the reader using electromagnetic waves. Tags can store only a few kilo bytes of data. The operation of an RFID reader is very much similar to barcode scanning method which uses UPC (Universal Product Codes) codes. In some applications, RFID has advantages over the barcode system. Difference between Barcode and RFID Here are some advantages offered by an RFID System over Barcode System. RFID does not require Line of sight like the barcode. Read rate of RFID tags is more compared to Barcode. This means an RFID reader can read more than 40 tags at a time. RFID has the ability to Read, Write and Update the data present in it. While the data in the barcode cannot be changed. RFID system uses radio waves for communication between the reader and tag. RFID reader automatically identifies the objects (tags) and collect the data from them. Hence they come under a group of technologies called AIDC (automatic identification and data capture). Before learning how this system works, let us see some important points about RFID reader and Tag What is an RFID Reader? The image given below is that of an RFID reader module. The RFID reader has a Radio transmitter and receiver.It is also called as an interrogator. The reader transmits the radio frequency signals and when the tag is in its area ,it activates the tag and collects the information from it. What is RFID Tag   Above image shows the RFID tag.The RFID tag The Tag contains an IC for storing the data ,Antenna for transmitting and receiving. Tags are very small and they can hold only few bits of data. Types of RFID Tags The RFID  tag can be of two types 1) Active 2) Passive. Active: RFID tag can be defined as an active tag when it has its own power source and allows the user to erase and update the data...
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The post RFID Reader and Tag – Ultimate Guide on RFID Module appeared first on Electronic Circuits and Diagram-Electronics Projects and Design.

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