Sunday, 10 September 2017

Interfacing GSM Module Using Proteus

Interfacing GSM Module Using Proteus The Proteus simulation software can be used to interface real-time modules like the GSM Module. By using this simulation feature the designer can develop the systems within the software and test all the features of the system that is under design without using any hardware components. The system can be standardized by comparing the performance of various components, like, for example a suitable microcontroller. This article explains how to connect a GSM Module to the Proteus software and understand various commands related to the GSM module and perform some operations like sending an SMS, reading an SMS, making phone calls and so on. Connecting the Module to Proteus Environment  The GSM modules have the option to connect to the serial port of a computer through DB-9 Connector or it can be interfaced to a microcontroller using the TTL-UART feature. The Proteus software has the option to connect with the com ports of the computer. If the serial port is not available on your computer, then a USB-Serial converter can be used. The circuit diagram is shown below.   The component ‘COMPIM’ Comport Physical Interface Model is used to connect the proteus circuit with the serial port of the computer. The virtual terminal in the Instruments tab is used to view the data which is transmitted and received through the selected serial port.   Next, we have to configure the COMPORT in the Proteus software. By default, the modules operate at 9600 Baud rate. If there is any malfunctioning with respect to the data received, then next probable baud rate would be 38400. The data is of 8-Bit mode with one stop bit and no parity. All these parameters should be set in the Comport and the Virtual terminal in their edit properties menu.   The details regarding the port number to which the Serial converter is connected are obtained from the control panel under the Devices and Printers tab.     We shall start interfacing the module. To check whether the connection is established or not, run the simulation and then Power ON the module. The module sends some data related to the ready state of the module. Below is the simulation video showing the responses after Power ON.     After the response ‘call ready’ is received, the module is ready to use. All the command characters are viewed as ASCII characters. In the C-compilers temp=‘0’; instruction will store the ASCII value of zero (=48) in the variable temp. Every command sent to the module has to end with <CR><LF> i.e., CR=Carriage return and LF=Line Feed characters whose ASCII values are 13 and 10 respectively. In order to check the connection, we can send the ‘Attention command’ ‘AT’. If the connection is established, ‘OK’ is received. The module will resend the characters received by it. This is called the Echo mode and this can be avoided by using the command ‘ATE0’. After successful execution, ‘OK’ is received. Make a Phone Call The command to make a phone call is ‘ATD’. This is called as originating a phone call from the module. The command is used in the following format, ATDPHONE NUMBER; Ex: ATD1234567890; Let’s try this command to originate a phone call. Below is the output.   This command is issued from the virtual terminal available in the software. But, in real-time we have to issue this command from our microcontroller. Let’s frame and issue the command through the microcontroller. By using arrays in the c-program, we can easily transmit the commands. For this purpose, we have to define a function to send the...
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