Friday, 10 November 2017

Project: Car Speed Detector Using Arduino

Car speed Detector Project In this project I am going to show you how to measure the speed of running car (or man) from outside. Police department uses this type of system to prevent over speed of vehicles. Our project is a little different from the system used by police but the overall car speed detector concept is same. In this project, two IR sensors are placed apart on one side of road. When any vehicle crosses the sensors, the internal timer of Arduino counts the time between activation of sensor. Now speed is measured by using simple distance time relationship. Working Both IR sensors are connected to the interrupt pin of Arduino, and they detect the falling wave. The purpose of using interrupt is that, it improves the efficiency of system. A LCD is connected to Arduino and measured speed is shown on LCD. When car moves in front of the first sensor, it gives the output signal to Arduino, Arduino detects the falling wave, now internal timer of Arduino is started and when car moves in front of second sensor timer is stopped. Now Arduino measures the speed of car which is measured by distance time relationship                           Speed = Distance ÷ Time  Speed: Car’s speed Distance: Distance between sensors Time measured by Arduino IR Sensor: The IR sensor includes an IR LED and a phototransistor. When an object passes between the sensors, light reflects from the object and falls on the phototransistor. An operational amplifier IC (LM358) is used and the phototransistor is connected to it. When object come in front of sensor, it sends a logical HIGH signal to Arduino. Arduino: Arduino Nano is used as the controlling unit, You may use any other Arduino variants according to your choice. Components Used Car Speed Detector Circuit Circuit diagram is shown in the figure below. If you are going to make circuit on breadboard or general purpose PCB (or Zero PCB), the figure below is useful.   For PCB etching,     In the Arduino pins D2 and D3 are interrupt, where D2 is INT0 and D3 is INT1. Output pins of the IR sensors are connected to these pins.   LCD is connected to Arduino’s D4 to D9 pins, where D4 is connected to EN, D5 is connected to RS and D6 to D9 of Arduino are connected to D4 to D7 pin of Arduino. A preset is connected to third pin of LCD, which is contrast control. Pin 15 and 16 are used for backlight of LCD. Program/Code At the beginning of the code a header file is declared by name “LiquidCrystal.h”, which is used for LCD display. In the next line pins of LCD are declared in the function “LiquidCrystal lcd(4,5,6,7,8,9)”, number in the bracket shows the pins of Arduino that are connected to the LCD. In the line 4 and 5 two integers are declared by the name sensor1 and sensor2, these are pins of Arduino pins which are connected to IR sensors. After it 4 integers are declared by name Time1, Time2, Time, and flag. Where “Time1” is the measured time when “sensor1” is activated and “Time2” is the measured time when “senaor2” is activated. The integer Time is the difference of “Time1” and “Time2”, which is equivalent to time taken by car to go from “sensor1” to “sensor2” or “sensor2” to “sensor1” Now a float is declared by name “Speed” that is measured speed of the running car. At the starting of “void setup()” two interrupts are attached by function “attachInterrupt(0, fun1, Falling)” that means when “interrupt0 (INT0)” detect the falling wave,...
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