Thursday, 28 October 2021

Stacking the deck: Layers of crystalline nanosheets enable tunable electronic properties

Researchers have obtained and characterized two-dimensional (2D) boron monosulfide (BS) nanosheets. The bandgap energy of a single BS nanosheet was greater than that of the bulk material from which it came. As additional 2D layers were stacked, the bandgap energy eventually decreased to that of the bulk material. This result reflected the tunable electronic properties of BS nanosheets, which are suitable for electronic devices and photocatalytic applications.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Carbon nanotubes could help electronics withstand outer space’s harsh conditions

Space missions, such as NASA's Orion that will take astronauts to Mars, are pushing the limits of human exploration. But during their transit, spacecrafts encounter a continuous stream of damaging cosmic radiation, which can harm or even destroy onboard electronics. To extend future missions, researchers show that transistors and circuits with carbon nanotubes can be configured to maintain their electrical properties and memory after being bombarded by high amounts of radiation.

A new 3D printing frontier: Self-powered wearable devices

Researchers have created an innovative hybrid printing method -- combining multi-material aerosol jet printing and extrusion printing -- that integrates both functional and structural materials into a single streamlined printing platform.

Monday, 25 October 2021

Electrical control over designer quantum materials

In the past few years, suitably engineered stacks of two-dimensional materials have emerged as a powerful platform for studying quantum correlations between electronic states. Physicists now demonstrate how key properties of such systems can be conveniently tuned by changing an applied electrical field.

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Stretchy, bendy, flexible LEDs

Engineers have developed a way to print stretchy LEDs on unconventional surfaces using an inkjet printer.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Monday, 18 October 2021

Halloween Electronics Project: Jack-O-Lantern

In this Halloween electronics project, I’ll show you how to make a cool Jack-O-Lantern. I used a 3D-printed carved pumpkin, but a real one works just as well (or even better!).

The Jack-O-Lantern Halloween Project

The project is based around three normal LEDs that we control so that they look like a flickering flame. Since my “pumpkin” was very small, I used 3mm LEDs. For bigger pumpkins, I recommend using bigger and brighter LEDs. For example these ultra-bright orange LEDs.

The LEDs are connected in series with a resistor to the PWM pins on the Arduino so that I can control the brightness. And in the code, I change the brightness of each LED to a random value for every 50 milliseconds.

The result? Check out the video below:

Jack-O-Lantern Connection Diagram

Jack-O-Lantern Connection diagram

Components Needed

  • 3 x LED (Orange)
  • 3 x Resistor (220 Ω)
  • Arduino Uno
  • Carved pumpkin (or something else to place the LEDs in)

I 3D-printed this pumpkin model from Thingiverse, but you can place your LEDs in whatever you have at hand. A carved pumpkin? A mummy jar (by wrapping some bandage around a jar and adding eyes)? Or and old /spooky) lantern.

Preparing the LEDs

Start by bending the positive leg (the longest one) of each LED:

Three LEDs with bent legs

Join the three negative legs and solder them:

Three LEDs negative legs joined and soldered

Solder a resistor to each of the positive legs:

Resistors added to positive LED legs

Solder wires for connecting to the Arduino, then cover with shrink tube:

Wires added to all four pins

Connect the negative wire to GND on your Arduino and the positive legs to pins 9, 10, and 11 on the Arduino:

Arduino connections for the Jack-O-Lantern

Code for Flickering LEDs

The code is pretty straightforward. In the setup() function, I set up the LED pins as outputs. And in the loop() function, I use the analogWrite() function to set a random brightness value to each LED, with a 50-millisecond delay between each change of value.

// Halloween Project: Jack-O-Lantern wit flickering LEDs
// Code by Oyvind Dahl

int ledPin1 = 9;
int ledPin2 = 10;
int ledPin3 = 11;

void setup() {
  // Set LED pins as outputs
  pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    analogWrite(ledPin1, random(10, 255));
    analogWrite(ledPin2, random(10, 255));
    analogWrite(ledPin3, random(10, 255));

Questions about this Jack-O-Lantern project?

Let me know your questions about this Jack-O-Lantern project in the comment section below!

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Bridging optics and electronics

Researchers have developed a simple spatial light modulator made from gold electrodes covered by a thin film of electro-optical material that changes its optical properties in response to electric signals.

Molecular mixing creates super stable glass

Researchers have succeeded in creating a new type of super-stable, durable glass with potential applications ranging from medicines, advanced digital screens, and solar cell technology. The study shows how mixing multiple molecules -- up to eight at a time -- can result in a material that performs as well as the best currently known glass formers.

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Researchers breathe new life into paper books with the Magic Bookmark

Engineers have developed a new, cost-effective, ecological solution for augmenting the printed page with rich, up-to-date digital content.

Toward more energy efficient power converters

Researchers extend the mathematical approach called automatic differentiation from machine learning to the fitting of model parameters that describe the behavior of field-effect transistors. This allowed the parameters to be extracted up to 3.5 times faster compared with previous methods, which may lead to more sustainable microelectronics.

New nanostructure could be the key to quantum electronics

A novel electronic component could be an important key to the era of quantum information technology: Using a tailored manufacturing process, pure germanium is bonded with aluminum in a way that atomically sharp interfaces are created.

Friday, 8 October 2021

Elastic polymer that is both stiff and tough, resolves long-standing quandary

A conundrum has long stumped polymer scientists: Elastic polymers can be stiff, or they can be tough, but they can't be both. This stiffness-toughness conflict is a challenge for scientists developing polymers that could be used in applications including tissue regeneration, bioadhesives, bioprinting, wearable electronics, and soft robots. Researchers have resolved that long-standing conflict and developed an elastomer that is both stiff and tough.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

New type of magnetism unveiled in an iconic material

Scientists have made a path-breaking discovery in strontium ruthenate -- with potential for new applications in quantum electronics.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Smuggling light through opaque materials

Electrical engineers have discovered that changing the physical shape of a class of materials commonly used in electronics can extend their use into the visible and ultraviolet parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Already commercially used in detectors, lenses and optical fibers, chalcogenide glasses may now find a home in applications such as underwater communications, environmental monitoring and biological imaging.

Ultra-short flashes of light illuminate a possible path to future beyond-CMOS electronics

Researchers have demonstrated that ultra-short pulses of light, down to 34 millionths of a billionth of a second, elicit the same response as continuous illumination. The experiment harnessed interactions between real and virtual states to 'switch' the electronic state of an atomically-thin (2D) material, tungsten-disulfide, aiding the search for future low-energy electronics based on exotic topological materials.

Monday, 4 October 2021

Induced flaws in quantum materials could enhance superconducting properties

In a surprising discovery, an international team of scientists found that deformations in quantum materials that cause imperfections in the crystal structure can actually improve the material's superconducting and electrical properties.

Sandwich-style construction: Toward ultra-low-energy exciton electronics

A new 'sandwich-style' fabrication process placing a semiconductor only one atom thin between two mirrors has allowed Australian researchers to make a significant step towards ultra-low energy electronics based on the light-matter hybrid particles exciton-polaritons. The breakthrough evidence of robust, dissipationless propagation of exciton-polaritons, coupled excitons in atomically-thin material to light, demonstrating for the first time long-range propagation without lost dissipation of energy, at room temperature.

These electronics-free robots can walk right off the 3D-printer

This a robot can walk, without electronics, and only with the addition of a cartridge of compressed gas, right off the 3D-printer. It can al...