Friday, 24 April 2020

Can kids learn electronics from Ohmify?

In these corona days, a lot of kids are stuck at home.

And I’ve been asked many times by parents around the world if Ohmify is suitable for kids.

Here’s what Thomas Jones from Texas (a new Ohmify member) told me in an email last week:

“I’m using the basic lesson to get my kids interested and it is working great. It was easy to get my son involved but you were also able to get my teenaged daughter hooked on it.

The lessons are a good mix of teaching and hands-on projects. I also like that the level is easy enough for a kid to follow along but not too simple that an adult gets bored.

Thanks for a great site,

I usually say that it doesn’t matter if you’re 60 years old or 12. It’s the same basic things you need to learn and practice to become good at building electronics.

And I always try to explain things in simple ways so that both kids and adults can understand it.

A few years ago I wrote the book “Electronics For Kids”.

It was aimed at kids, but I’ve received messages from many adults that they’ve bought the book for their kids, but ended up reading it themselves.

Kids might prefer fun projects where there’s is a sound, light, or movement involved in the project. But I’ve seen that also adults find the first blinking LED circuit fascinating. So Ohmify has a lot of those projects. Plus a good dose of more “serious” projects.

So yes, kids can also learn electronics from Ohmify.

And if you need help with structuring the Ohmify content to fit your kids’ schedule, I’m happy to help. Just let me know.

If you’re interested in signing up for an Ohmify membership, you can find all the details here:

Keep On Soldering!
Oyvind @

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

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