Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Why You Should Use VPN for Enhanced Security?

We are living in times where data is considered the new gold, and in such a world, don’t you think there is a strong need to protect your data from theft? If you’re a corporate, many of your employees will be on travel and they would be accessing your server from different parts of the [...]

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Monday, 28 September 2020

Impurities enhance polymer LED efficiencies

New research reveals that the higher-than-expected efficiency of PLEDs can be reached through interactions between triplet excitons, and impurities embedded in their polymer layers.

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Thin and ultra-fast photodetector sees the full spectrum

Researchers have developed the world's first photodetector that can see all shades of light, in a prototype device that radically shrinks one of the most fundamental elements of modern technology.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Proof-of-concept for a new ultra-low-cost hearing aid for age-related hearing loss

A new ultra-affordable and accessible hearing aid made from open-source electronics could soon be available worldwide, according to a new study.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Physicists develop printable organic transistors

Scientists have come a step closer to the vision of a broad application of flexible, printable electronics. The team has succeeded in developing powerful vertical organic transistors with two independent control electrodes.

Friday, 18 September 2020

New on/off functionality for fast, sensitive, ultra-small technologies

Researchers have developed an ultra-small actuator that can be turned on and off in a fraction of a millisecond and exhibits nanometer-scale position control. This actuator is unparalleled in modern technologies, and will be useful in robotics, medicine, and many other advanced applications.

New design principles for spin-based quantum materials

A new design criteria for enhancing the spin lifetime of a class of quantum materials could support Internet of Things devices and other resource-intensive technologies.

Self-induced ultrafast demagnetization limits the amount of light diffracted from magnetic samples at soft x-ray energies

Free electron X-ray lasers deliver intense ultrashort pulses of x-rays, which can be used to image nanometer-scale objects in a single shot. When the x-ray wavelength is tuned to an electronic resonance, magnetization patterns can be made visible. When using increasingly intense pulses, however, the magnetization image fades away. The mechanism responsible for this loss in resonant magnetic scattering intensity has now been clarified.

What is Ground in Electronic Circuits?

An example circuit with lots of connections to ground

When you start learning about circuits, you’re bound to ask “what is ground?” at one point or another. Are you actually suppose to connect your circuit into the ground??

First of all: grounding in electronics is different from grounding in high voltage electrical systems. And this article is about electronics (although I’ll mention the other case at the end).

Grounding in electronics

I got an email from a reader a little while back:

«The ground symbol keeps appearing at different points in a circuit and I could not understand why a particular place was chosen for grounding. What is ground?» 

Grounding something simply means connecting it to ground.

And in electronics, ground is just a name we give to a certain point in the circuit.

For example, in a circuit with one battery (with a positive and a negative terminal), we usually refer to the negative terminal as ground.

And to simplify drawing the circuit, we use a symbol.

The ground symbol
The Ground Symbol

So instead of drawing lines to all the places that should be connected to minus, you instead place the ground symbol there. This makes the circuit diagram much cleaner when there are a lot of connections to minus.

An example circuit with lots of connections to ground
An example circuit using ground symbols

Flow of Current When the Ground Symbol is Shown

To see how the current flows in a circuit diagram with ground symbols, just connect all the points that have ground symbols. That is what you do when you build the circuit.

A circuit with battery and resistor connected indirectly to battery with ground symbols.
A schematic using ground symbols
A circuit with battery and resistor connected directly to battery with lines.
The same schematic shown without ground symbols

Circuits With Positive, Negative and Ground Connections

In some schematic diagrams, you’ll find a connection to a positive terminal, a negative terminal, and a ground terminal.

This is common in for example amplifier circuits:

An amplifier circuit with dual power supply

So, how does this work?

In this scenario, the ground is the middle-point between the positive and the negative terminal. You can create these three voltage points by connecting two power sources in series:

Batteries connected to acheive negative voltage
The ground when using dual power supply

Since the ground terminal is in the middle between +9V and -9V, it’s normal to call it zero volts (0V).

Click here to learn what negative voltage is.

What is Ground in High-voltage Systems?

Sometimes though, the ground term refers to an actual connection to the ground/earth. But that is usually when talking about high-voltage systems.

That’s not my field, but for the curious ones – read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_(electricity)

Questions? Let me hear ’em in the comments below!

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Thursday, 17 September 2020

'Floating' graphene on a bed of calcium atoms

Adding calcium to graphene creates an extremely-promising superconductor, but where does the calcium go? In a new study, a Monash-led team has for the first time confirmed what actually happens to those calcium atoms. Surprising everyone, the calcium goes underneath both the upper graphene sheet and a lower 'buffer' sheet, 'floating' the graphene on a bed of calcium atoms.

Sturdy fabric-based piezoelectric energy harvester takes us one step closer to wearable electronics

Researchers presented a highly flexible but sturdy wearable piezoelectric harvester using the simple and easy fabrication process of hot pressing and tape casting. This energy harvester, which has record high interfacial adhesion strength, will take us one step closer to being able to manufacture embedded wearable electronics.

Medical robotic hand? Rubbery semiconductor makes it possible

A medical robotic hand could allow doctors to more accurately diagnose and treat people from halfway around the world, but currently available technologies aren't good enough to match the in-person experience. Now researchers have reported that they have designed and produced a smart electronic skin and a medical robotic hand capable of assessing vital diagnostic data by using a newly invented rubbery semiconductor.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Energy harvesting goes organic, gets more flexible

The race is on to create natural biocompatible piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting, electronic sensing, and stimulating nerves. A group of researchers has explored peptide-based nanotubes and reports using a combination of ultraviolet and ozone exposure to generate a wettability difference and an applied field to create horizontally aligned polarization of nanotubes on flexible substrates with interlocking electrodes. The work will enable the use of organic materials more widely.

New way of controlling conductivity of materials at the nanoscale

A new discovery is an important step towards smaller, more advanced electronics. And maybe more environmentally friendly gadgets, too.

Reviewing the quantum material 'engine room'

An Australian collaboration reviews the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE), one of the most fascinating and important recent discoveries in condensed-matter physics. QAHE allows zero-resistance electrical 'edge paths' in emerging quantum materials such as topological insulators, opening great potential for ultra-low energy electronics.

Better material for wearable biosensors

Researchers have used electrospinning to make porous silicone that allows sweat to evaporate.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Single photons from a silicon chip

Quantum technology holds great promise: Quantum computers are expected to revolutionize database searches, AI systems, and computational simulations. Today already, quantum cryptography can guarantee secure data transfer, albeit with limitations. The greatest possible compatibility with current silicon-based electronics will be a key advantage. And that is precisely where physicists have made progress: The team has designed a silicon-based light source to generate single photons that propagate well in glass fibers.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Logic Gates And How They Work

I was first introduced to logic gates when I was around 14 years old. I had heard that computers consisted of ones and zeroes. But I didn’t understand what that really meant.

So I asked my father to explain it. And I loved his explanation because it was so simple and easy to understand. Read that article first if you’re not sure what a 1 and a 0 is yet.

Logic gates are components that we use for “doing stuff” with the 1s and 0s. You can combine them to create building blocks like flip-flops, adders, and more. Which you can use to build calculators, Arduinos, and even smartphones and computers!

Below, you’ll find an overview of the logic gates, their logic gate symbols, and how they work.

NOT gate/Inverter

The simplest logic gate of all is the NOT gate. It takes one bit as input (A). And it gives as an output (Y) what is NOT on the input. So if there is a 1 on the input, its output is 0. And if there is 0 on the input, its output is 1. It’s also called an inverter.

NOT gate symbol
Input (A) Output (Y)
0 1
1 0
NOT Gate Truth Table

AND gate

The AND gate takes two (or more) inputs and gives out a 1 if all the inputs are 1. Otherwise, it gives out a 0.

The truth table is below, but all you really need to remember is that the AND gate needs a 1 on input A and input B to give out 1.

AND gate symbol
Input A Input B Output Y
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
AND Gate Truth Table

OR gate

The OR gate takes two (or more) inputs and gives out a 1 if any of the inputs are 1. Otherwise, it gives out a 0.

The truth table is below, but all you really need to remember is that the OR gate needs a 1 on input A or input B to give out 1.

OR gate symbol
Input A Input B Output Y
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
OR Gate Truth Table

NAND gate

NAND gate symbol

The NAND (or NOT AND) gate operates in the opposite way of the AND gate. It’s like if an AND gate had a NOT gate on its output:

A NAND gate made from AND + NOT
Input A Input B Output Y
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
NAND Gate Truth Table

NOR gate

NOR gate symbol

The NOR (or NOT OR) gate operates in the opposite way of the OR gate. It’s like if an OR gate had a NOT gate on its output.

A NOR gate made from OR + NOT
Input A Input B Output Y
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
NOR Gate Truth Table

XOR gate

XOR gate symbol

The XOR (or Exclusive OR) gate outputs 1 if its two inputs are not equal.

Input A Input B Output Y
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
XOR Gate Truth Table

XNOR gate

XNOR gate symbol

The XNOR (or Exclusive NOT OR) gate outputs 1 if its two inputs are equal. It basically works like an XOR gate with an inverter on the output.

Input A Input B Output Y
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
XNOR Gate Truth Table

Using Logic Gates in Circuits

A logic gate can be built with transistors and usually comes as an Integrated Circuit (IC).

There are two classic IC series that contain a lot of the same functions; the 7400-series and the 4000-series.

The 7400-series is the oldest series. The 4000-series was introduced as a lower-power and more versatile option to the 7400. But today, several families of the 7400-series exist, some with similar properties as the 4000-series.

List of common 4000 series IC with pinouts, explanations, and example circuits

Complete list of ICs in the 4000-series
Complete list of ICs in the 7400-series

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Quirky response to magnetism presents quantum physics mystery

Scientists describe the quirky behavior of one such magnetic topological insulator. The new article includes experimental evidence that intrinsic magnetism in the bulk of manganese bismuth telluride (MnBi2Te4) also extends to the electrons on its electrically conductive surface. Such materials could be just right for making qubits, but this one doesn't obey the rules.

Nanophysics: Spectral classification of excitons

Ultrathin layers of tungsten diselenide have potential applications in opto-electronics and quantum technologies. Researchers have now explored how this material interacts with light in the presence of strong magnetic fields.

Transistor-integrated cooling for a more powerful chip

Researchers have created a single chip that combines a transistor and micro-fluidic cooling system. Their research should help save energy and further shrink the size of electronic components.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

New glove-like device mimics sense of touch

Engineers have invented a soft wearable device which simulates the sense of touch and has wide potential for medical, industrial and entertainment applications.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

New surgical tools with smart sensors can advance cardiac surgery and therapy

Researchers developed a new class of medical instruments equipped with an advanced soft electronics system that could dramatically improve the diagnoses and treatments of a number of cardiac diseases and conditions.

Paving the way for tunable graphene plasmonic THz amplifiers

Researchers have successfully demonstrated a room-temperature coherent amplification of terahertz (THz) radiation in graphene, electrically driven by a dry cell battery.

Producing technicolor through brain-like electronic devices

Structural coloration is promised to be the display technology of the future as there is no fading - it does not use dyes - and enables low-power displays without strong external light source. However, the disadvantage of this technique is that once a device is made, it is impossible to change its properties so the reproducible colors remain fixed. Recently, a research team has successfully obtained vivid colors by using semiconductor chips - not dyes - made by mimicking the human brain structure.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Nanoearthquakes control spin centers in SiC

Researchers have demonstrated the use of elastic vibrations to manipulate the spin states of optically active color centers in SiC at room temperature. They show a non-trivial dependence of the acoustically induced spin transitions on the spin quantization direction, which can lead to chiral spin-acoustic resonances. These findings are important for applications in future quantum-electronic devices.

How To Use An Oscilloscope

How to use an oscilloscope

I learned how to use an oscilloscope pretty much on my own. The first time I tried one, I only got some simple instructions, then I was left to myself to figure things out.

But I found that it wasn’t really that hard…

The oscilloscope can be a bit overwhelming with all its functions. But you don’t need to know every detail of it. You can actually come a long way by knowing just a few simple things.

So I want to pass those simple things on to you, so that you can start using an oscilloscope on your own.

Knowing how to use an oscilloscope is very useful when building electronic circuits. When your circuit is not working, it will help you figure out what is going on.

What Does an Oscilloscope Do?

The oscilloscope measures voltage over time. This means that it lets you see the signal in the circuit as it changes with time.

For example if you measure the voltage to a blinking LED with an oscilloscope, you’ll see something like this:

The orange line represents the voltage. When it is on top, the voltage is high and the LED is on. And when it’s at the bottom, the voltage is low and the LED is off.

But when do you need this?

Let’s say you build a music player. But when you plug in the power, it doesn’t work. There is no sound coming…

With an oscilloscope, you can measure different points in your circuit where the sound signal should be and see if it’s actually there or not.

Something you wouldn’t be able to do with a multimeter.

This makes it much easier to debug the circuit:

First, you can measure where the sound signal enters the circuit.

No signal? Aha! Then there is a problem with the sound source.

If there is a signal there, you continue to the next part of the circuit that the sound goes through. No sound there? Well, then that part must be the problem. And so on…

How To Use An Oscilloscope

A typical oscilloscope looks like this:

Front of an oscilloscope

All these buttons are a bit intimidating right? Well, don’t worry, I’ll teach you a shortcut in just a second.

The wires you use to measure with, are named probes.

So the first thing you do, is to attach the probes to what you want to measure. The oscilloscope measures voltage. And since voltage is always measured between two points, you need to connect both the negative and positive side of the probe.

In most situations, you connect the negative probe to ground or minus in your circuit. Then connect the positive side to the thing you want to measure.

When connected, it’s time to set the oscilloscope to the right settings.

But there are sooooo many buttons! So here is a super secret (or not-so-secret) trick on how to use an oscilloscope:

Auto Set button

Push the «Auto Set» button.

This button will analyze the signal and try to set the settings of the scope to what is best. It doesn’t always work – but in many situations it does.

Control Your Oscilloscope Manually

What if you want to know how to use an oscilloscope without the «Auto Set» – like old-school analog oscilloscope for example?

Then, there are two main knobs to focus on:

  • Vertical Volts/Div
  • Horizontal Sec/Div
Oscilloscope settings knobs

If the signal you are looking at has large voltage swings, you need to adjust the vertical knob marked «Volts/Div» to a large Volts/Div setting. If it has very small voltage swings, you need to set it you a tiny Volts/Div setting.

If your signal is not in the screen, then scroll up or down on the vertical knob marked «Position» to find your signal.

Then use the horizontal Sec/Div knob to set the time per division on the screen. If you have a signal with really high frequency, you need a low Sec/Div setting to see it properly. If you have a very low frequency signal, you need to set it higher.

These settings are basically all you need to get started.

Where To Buy An Oscilloscope

Now that you know how to use an oscilloscope, it’s time to get yourself one. A very good oscilloscope that’s useful for beginners, as well as more advanced circuit builders, is the Rigol DS1054Z.

If you want to save some money, look for USB oscilloscopes. These are scopes that you plug into the USB of your computer and look at the signal in some computer software.

Or you can learn how to build your own super simple Arduino oscilloscope – but keep in mind that it’s simple for a reason (it’s also pretty bad).


Do you have any questions about how to use an oscilloscope? Let me know in the comments below!

Copyright Build Electronic Circuits

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

New electronic skin can react to pain like human skin

New pain-sensing prototype mimics the body's near-instant feedback response and reacts to painful sensations with the same lighting speed that nerve signals travel to the brain. It's a significant advance towards next-generation biomedical technologies, smart prosthetics and intelligent robotics.

Brain-inspired electronic system could vastly reduce AI's carbon footprint

Extremely energy-efficient artificial intelligence is now closer to reality after researchers found a way to improve the accuracy of a brain-inspired computing system.

These electronics-free robots can walk right off the 3D-printer

This a robot can walk, without electronics, and only with the addition of a cartridge of compressed gas, right off the 3D-printer. It can al...